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[I decided to update twice a week <3]

"Itachi, I don't have my keys." Naruto turned towards him. "I know, I took your car." He smiled.

"Shut up." Naruto spat back. "Where did you learn this? I mean you clearly were rainbows and sunshine's few years ago." He stared at naruto.

"You traumatize me." Naruto mumbles . "Hot." He smirked. "You're just being gross.." he stuck his tongue out. "Let me pull that tongue off." Itachi squeezed his face.

"Hey, don't touch my tongue!" Naruto looked at Itachi. "Or what?" He glared. "Just Stop it you idiots." I muttered as everyone looked at us. "You're causing scene."

It was about 12 at night, Naruto was on his phone whilst laying beside me. Which was annoying since he wouldn't pay attention to me or what I was saying, so I just went quiet. A few minutes later he asked me "Why'd you stop talking?" I was about to say something until he got a call. "One sec, let me see who this is." I sighed.

"Hello?" He asked, "ohh!— no its fine! See you in two days? Mhm! Yeah bye, I love you!" He giggled. I stared at him. He hung up and looked towards me. "Stupid idiot." I said. Turning myself around and cuddled with the blanket. "What're you doing?" Naruto asked me, I ignored him and tried to sleep.

"are you not gonna respond?" He poked me softly. "Sasukee!" He yelled a few minutes later. "What do you want?." He turned around, I fell asleep until I felt him get up. I looked at him. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Hinata is here, I was gonna go help her with her stuff." He smiled kissing my cheek.

"Come back." I muttered, "I will." He smiled.

30 minutes passed by and he finally came back. I was too tired to open my eyes and ask him why he was late. All I could hear was heavy breathing, he went to the bathroom and washed his face.

I felt the bed sinking behind me, I fought the urge to hug him. He kissed my forehead and fell asleep.

Short chapter again

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