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"There you are." Sasuke pointed out, "I'm sorry, I was stuck in traffic." Itachi apologized. "It's fine, why'd you call us?"

"Well..I don't know how to put it. But, Izumi may or may not have gotten into an accident.."


"But! She's fine and admitted in the hospital."

"How is she fine? She literally got into a accident, idiot!" Sasuke face palmed. "Like I said, she's okay. Plus it was like two hours ago, I tried calling but seems like none of you would pick up."

Sasuke sighed, "well, let's go see her." Itachi nodded, "Here are the keys, go see her. She's at ****** hospital." Itachi threw the keys towards Sasuke.

"You aren't coming!?" Sasuke asked, "No, I already saw her. Plus I have some business to deal with Naruto." Sasuke's eyes shifted to me.

"Me?" I asked, "Yeah. Sasuke, go on ahead." I looked over at Sasuke who had already gone to the car. "Well, what's up?" I asked.

"Let's go inside." I nodded, taking him to our suite. "So?" He sighed, sitting on the comfortable couch. "You might wanna sit down for this one." I gulped, taking a seat beside him.

"A new business trip." He rolled his eyes. "Not again.." I groaned, "It won't be like the last one." He laughed. "You're jinxing it, Itachi!" I punched his arm.

He laughed, "it's got a good side though!" He pointed out. "Which is?" I ask, "Izumi is in the hospital." He smiled. "You crackhead! That gives out more reasons for him to stay with her. Although, I doubt he'd do something like that again."

"I trust my brother, but you can never be sure." Itachi patted my shoulder. "He was finally starting to open up a bit, plus he was hinting on getting back together earlier." I said, he frowned. "And when was I gonna know about it?"

"You're like the first person to know about everything, I literally told you a few hours ago."

"Ohh, I must've forgot." He responded, "but don't you find it weird?" He asked. "Find what weird? Be more specific Itachi."

"How he got so concerned? Like he even started yelling at me. That shit hurt." He got serious. "I did notice it, but I mean.. what if he was just concerned? Like friendly concerned?"

"I doubt it, he didn't hesitate to leave alone." He did have a point. "I think it's just worrying."

"That's what you want to believe." He responded, politely. "Look, I'm not trying trying to ruin your relationship." He moved closer rubbing my shoulder. "I know, Itachi. But even if it is like that, what will I do?" I looked at him.

"Same plan?" He asked, smirking. I laughed, "you really want me that bad?" I teased. "Maybe? You never know." He laughed, I joined in later on.

"Anyway, all that aside. The business trip is 7 weeks long." He looked at me. "7 weeks?!" I gasped.

"Yeah, they want us there soon as possible. I booked the flight for tomorrow, I just wanted to let you know." He smiled.

I sighed, "Yeah, the early we go, the sooner we'll be done."

"Exactly, I'll help you pack your bags. Maybe we can pay those two a little visit later?" He asked. "I'd like that." I smile getting up.

I grab Sasuke's clothes and all of our stuff that we left at the motel, we thanked the staff and went back to the penthouse.

Hinata was awake, working on something. She opened the door, "Hinata!" I smile waving, "Hey!" She smiled back. "How was your trip?" She let us in. "Exhausting." I placed the things on the couch.

"Oh really? Where's sasuke?" She asked, closing the door behind Itachi. "With Izumi." Itachi spoke with a bitterness in his voice. "Oh..well I hope she's okay."

"Yeah." I stretched. "Would you like to eat something? I can cook-"

"No Hinata- we're fine. We just have to pack for another business trip." I replied. "Yeah, but I'm sure you both are hungry. I'll help you guys pack." She smiled.

"You're too kind." Itachi laughed. "Well, everyone's different! You two can change, I'll make something."

We agreed and left to our rooms.

What if everyone Itachi said became true? W
He can just go to her if he wants.
After all, we aren't dating.
Not like this is the first time but it's different now.. we're not together.

I need to clear up my head. I get out of shower, putting pants and a shirt on, I opened the windows. It was pretty high. I stared down at the city view.

I was pretty zoned out, not even noticing Itachi was there until he poked me. "Hey, is everything alright?" He asked, looking at where I was. "Yeah, it's nothing." I looked at him.

"Don't overthink everything I say, I just want what's the best for you both. I know Sasuke might be acting weird, but I'm sure he wouldn't make the same mistake again..although I wouldn't be surprised."

He patted my back. "Thank you." I hugged him, resting my face on his chest since he was quite taller than me. He hugged back, patting my head.

"I'm always here for you, so take the opportunity and talk to me." He chuckled. "I really needed that." I smile.

"It's 2 in the morning, are you two seriously cuddling?" Ino stood at the door with her messed up hair, I laughed and hugged him tighter. Itachi choked, "he was just comforting me." I smile, letting go.

"Yeah yeah! "Comforting" that close? Sounds cheesy to me." She rolled her eyes. Itachi checked me out before smirking.

"Hinata called you idiots to eat, go." She ordered before leaving. I quickly slipped a hoodie on. Itachi waited for me, we left to see Ino eating too.

We didn't question it but instead sat down as Hinata served us food. "Thank you." I smiled and jumped right in. "Thank you, Hinata." Itachi thankrd her. She smiled, "no problem!"

And went back on the couch, working on her computer.

"Why is everyone awake?" Sai came in, "Sakura is sleeping." I say, "I just saw her come out of the bathroom with her phone."

"We have another trip tomorrow, it's for 7 weeks, so Sasuke guys will probably extend their stay until Itachi gets back." I told Ino. "Oh well, it's gonna be boring." Ino sighed, Hinata agreed.

"Well I'm going to sleep. Goodnight." She smiled, blowing a kiss. Sai followed her, "Good journey." He waved off.

"I'm gonna go rest as well. Good night you guys!" Hinata got up. "Good night." We both off'd her.

Itachi stood up, "wanna take a walk?" He asked, "I don't mind." I answered as he reached his hand out, I grabbed it and got up.

We left the door unlocked just in case Sasuke might get home. I grabbed my phone, and walked out the door.

"It's cold, isn't it?" Itachi asked, "a little." I replied, we walked in through the empty streets. Itachi pulled out a cigarette, lighting it.

"Since when did you start smoking?" I frowned, "I've always smoked. Don't worry, I don't do it everyday." He says.

"So..did you see Sasuke's story?" He asked, "what did he do now?" I ask. Itachi pulled out his phone, slowly scrolling through his Instagram story's.

"Look." He showed me, Sasuke was eating together with Izumi. He captioned it with hearts, I sighed. "I'm not even gonna say anything about it."

"Did he say anything promising?" Itachi asked, "how did you know?" I asked, remembering the time he "broke down"

"Sixth sense?" He laughed, "but seriously though."

"He did, talking about how he was in the wrong for cheating."
I looked over at him.

"Well, he's aware of the fact that you were doubting it." He sighed, "as much as I'd like to say that he isn't trying to gaslight you or manipulate you & I wish that won't be the case, but you be careful."

"No, I don't think it's that's far." I assured him.

Sorry if there are any grammar mistakes 💀💀

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