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Itachi's pov;

"Naruto, are you hungry?" I ask Naruto as we finally reach our hotel after our long exhausting flight. "Yeah, I'm a bit hungry." He says sighing. "I'll order some food, you can freshen up." I say as he nods and hops in the shower.

I ordered some of the main dishes the hotel offered. They soon arrived here but Naruto was still changing, I walk to the bathroom. "The food is here." I inform him. He opens the door in his pjs. "I'm so tired, Itachi!" He yawns, "eat your food and then you can sleep, okay?"

He nodded and turned the TV on. "Do you wanna watch this scary movie?" He looks at me, "you sure you're not gonna get scared?" I smirk. "Of course not! If anything you'll be the one getting spooked." He rolls his eyes. I laid down on the bed and Naruto turned the tv on, laying beside me since there was only one bed.
"Im so full." He rubs his stomach. "You wanna go for a walk?" I ask looking at him. "I'm sleepy." He yawns and grabs a blanket, "can I lean on your shoulder? Cuz y'know Sasuke isn't here." He asked, i nodded. Of course I had no problem with it, i grabbed my computer and put it on my lap. A few minutes later, i grabbed the remote and turned the tv off since Naruto was already asleep. I checked some of the mails and scheduled the meetings. Turns out our time here was shortened again due to some of the meetings getting cancelled. Instead of 4 meetings, we now have 2 meetings and they're both scheduled for the same day.
"Itachi, are you done?" He looks up still half asleep. "Yes, I'm done now. What's wrong?" I say placing my computer on the nightstand. "I want you to lay down beside me, i cant find a good position to sleep in." He said pulling my arm. "Alright, scoot over." I lay down and he cuddles me for a while before falling asleep.

"Good morning, Itachi." Naruto spoke as he slowly turned towards me. "I didn't think you'd be awake this early, good morning." I smiled at him. "I can't sleep, I've been rolling around for the past 2 hours." He groans and moves closer to me. "Can I hug you?" He asked looking at me with his big blue eyes, "go ahead." I open my arms for him, and he slowly hugged me.

"Itachi, are you sad?" He asked, "why would I be sad?" I asked patting back. "Because you still have to live with your ex."
I thought about it, "I'm over it now, i don't talk to her unless I really need to." I sighed, it was true. I haven't had a genuine conversation with her ever since she cheated. "You're really lucky, you get over things really fast." He mumbled.

"What about you? Are you still hurt?" I ask knowing the answer. "I was fine before i saw him." He tightened his grip around me. "I just want to know why he did that, like if there was any reasons behind it.." He comes face to face with me, just looking at me. "He looks a lot like you, y'know?" He said touching my face. "He's your exact twin, but obviously the personality is different."

"Cmon, you know I'm the better looking one." I chuckle, "mhmm" he said giggling. "Thank you Itachi, for always staying by my side." He smiled. I can't believe Sasuke put an innocent soul like him through all that, what a shame. Naruto is independent, he always took care of other people and himself and sasuke still couldn't treat him right.

"I'll always be by your side, no matter what Naruto." I smile back. Naruto fell asleep again not soon after that. I checked my phone and saw missed calls from Sasuke. I pressed on his caller id and hit him up. "Hello, sorry i didn't get your calls." He picked up so fast, "it's fine, how's Naruto?" He asked. "He's alright, he's sleeping right now." I say. He sighed, "i heard you guys came to visit Izumi." He says after an awkward silence.

"Yeah, we came to check on her but had to leave quick. How is she now?" I asked making small talk. "She's recovering, she'll be discharged by the next week." He responds. "That's good to hear." I say, "our trip was shortened, we'll be back in a week." I fill him in. "Nice, tell Naruto to call me once he's awake." Sasuke said in a concerned tone. "I will." After saying that I hung up.

Sasuke's pov;

Izumi is getting better day by day, it's been 3 days ever since her accident and she would've made a fast recovery if intended. I'm still irritated that Naruto hasn't called me yet. The last time I talked to Itachi was 3 days ago, he said he'd he'll Naruto to call me but seems like he's forgotten. I know why they left without greeting her, I just wish I could tell Naruto everything but for his own good.. it's better if he doesn't know.

Izumi is still blackmailing me and until I send her off for good I can't let Naruto know all this. Though, it hurts to be so distant from him.. I have to do this. I tried telling Itachi but Izumi never leaves me alone with him. I wished she had died. I wouldn't have had to do this to her if she had just died in that accident. I wouldn't have to put her through such misery like this. She would've made a fast recovery if it weren't for me slowly killing her.

I hate to do this to her but I just can't live like this anymore. I talked with one of the doctors and paid him an extravagant amount of money to make sure she's not recovering any time soon. Slowly, she'll suffer day by day. I do not feel guilty. Why should I? She didn't feel any sympathy for me when she black mailed me, when she forced me to leave my Naruto. This is all her fault.

Now she's the one miserable, if it hadn't been for my friend suigetsu. She wouldn't have gotten into an accident in the first place, and it just so happened to be around the same time when Itachi and Naruto had to go on a trip. Maybe something is wrong with me because I don't feel any regrets. Though, I planned all this.. I don't feel any sorrow. Now me and Naruto can finally become one.
If anyone tries to come between us, I will destroy them just like Izumi. After all, I'm Sasuke Uchiha.

I can't wait for my Naruto to come back from this trip. I've contacted Gaara, and asked him to make the trip even more shortened. We didn't get along at first, but once I told him the misery me and Naruto were put through.. he agreed to help me without hesitation. He even helped me find someone that could cause Vehicular suicide so I can finish off izumi for good.  Naruto will be back in my arms in the next 4 days, I can't wait.

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