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The trip-

Itachi's pov:


We went to pay Izumi and Sasuke a little visit. We had all of our stuff packed and we were ready to go. Naruto and I wore a suit, we'd be attending a meeting after our land at the airport.

I could tell he was anxious at first. "Naruto," I spoke, grabbing his attention. "Yeah? Is everything okay?" He asked, "You need to relax, pay attention to the road instead of zoning out." I remind him.

"Right, I'm sorry." He gave an apologetic smile. "It's okay."

I felt uneasy, I wish I didn't talk to him about it. No, what am I thinking. He's important to me, he deserves to know.

Why is Sasuke acting like this? Most importantly, why am I budging in their relationship..
I mean, I've always hated the fact that Sasuke takes him for granted.
But he broke down the other day.
I just had to let him know.
Even though. It's their fucking relationship. Why am I so concerned?

Of course Sasuke has changed, right?
I know I spend more time with Naruto rather than my own brother. But I had a valid reason. When Naruto moved away from us, Sasuke was always bringing in girls. At the time, me and Izumi broke up as well.

So I flew here all the time, making excuses like "it's for my business." but it was just to spend time with him.

"We're here." Naruto looked at me. "Oh, that was quick." I added. "Was it?" He asked, curiously. "Well, let's head in!" He smiled, I smiled back getting out.

He sighed inside the car, he was probably overthinking again. I just wish he'd tell me whatever is on his mind. He came out, looking worried as ever. He walked over to me, I placed my hands on his shoulders.

He looked at me curiously, waiting for me to say or do something. I instead smiled, pulling him in for a hug. "It's okay to be anxious." He hugged me back after that.

"I know..I just feel a little uneasy after the situation." His voice grew trembly. "I'm sorry." I apologized, "for.?"

"For worrying you about the whole situation."

"No no, I'm glad you told me! Or else I wouldn't have gave it a thought!" Naruto said as he pulled his head back, facing me while still holding the hug. We were just inches away.

He smiled, I gave a smile back and patted his back, he went back to resting his head on my chest. "I don't even know how to thank you, Itachi." I felt him be a little more comfortable.

"You don't have to."

"But still, thank you for staying with me for all those years. I'm so glad I found someone like you." His grip grew tighter. "Ahh, you making me blush." I laughed. He chuckled in response.

"Yeah? I'd be honoured to make you, the great Itachi uchiha blush." I smile, "butttt- we should get going, I think we're already running a little late." He pulled away, poking my head gently with two fingers.

"Hey! That's my job-" I was interrupted by him. "Well, I'm taking over it then! Follow me!" He giggled locking the car. "Alright alright."

I was proud to make him happy. I followed as he met the receptionist.
"Hello! What can I help you with?" She smiled looking at us.

"Can we have the room number for Izumi Uchiha?" I ask, "please give me a moment." She typed something in her computer.

"Room 108, enjoy your stay!" She waved as Naruto thanked her. "Isn't it weird how we're walking in a hospital with suits on?" He asked, "If you put it that way..but I think we look nice." I pat his shoulder.

"We look stupid." He eyed me. "I think I look fine." He rolled his eyes, "can't argue with that, you uchiha's got crazy charms."
He said chuckling, we reached the room.

"Knock." He looked at me, an elderly nurse came out of the room. "Oh hello!" She looked awkwardly as Naruto let go of my arm.

"What a lovely couple you two are!" She smiled."We aren't a couple, ma'am." I smile, assuring her.

" sorry!"

"You're fine." Naruto responded, "we'd like to visit this room." Itachi added.

"well, you may head in." She waved off. We headed in, our eyes fell over Sasuke who was laying his head down on the bed. Beside him was Izumi with her hand on Sasuke's head...

Naruto sighed, looking at me. He left the room, a little disappointed. I followed him, "Listen-"

"We're getting late, let's leave." He just grabbed my hand, and started walking.


"Want me to drive?" I asked, he nods in response. He got in the passenger seat, leaning it backwards.


He had been scrolling through his phone the whole ride.

"We still have hour an hour left until our flight, you wanna grab something to eat?" I ask as his gaze fell over me. He looked around the airport, "will they have good fast food places?"

"Yup, I've been here quite often. They have amazing food services." We left our bags in the check in spot.

"Woah! Look at that!" He showed me the fountain. "You like it?"

"Yeah! Can we visit it?" He tugged my sleeve. "Yes yes, after we eat though." He sighed, "well, let's go then!" He dragged me out of there.

"Uhhh- where are we going?" He asked stopping in the middle of no where. "I don't know, you're dragging me." I laugh.


"Let's go over there." I spotted a random shop. "Have you been here?" He asked as we walked in. "A couple of times."

"Then order me something good and I'll go sit over there." He patted my shoulder, picking a seat.

"Sounds good." I replied.

Sasuke's pov:

I rubbed my eyes as I woke up, I gently removed Izumi's hand off my head. Did I spend the night here? Oh well. I should probably get back home after a while.

A nurse came in to change Izumi plaster. She looked at me and smiled, "Are you planning on staying?" She asked. "For a bit, yes."

"Oh great, did you possibly expect any visitors?" The elderly woman asked, "Mm..As far as I remember, not really."

"Oh, then they must've gotten the wrong room." She talked to herself, "Who?" I asked, "It was a tall black haired man in a suit."

"Did he possibly have a low ponytail?" I ask, wondering if it could've been itachi.

"I think so." She smiled, confusingly. Oh, it must've been Itachi.

"and he had a lovely person with him. Ahh, they were cute together! Reminds me of my old days." She laughed, blushing later.

Itachi has a girlfriend ? Good for him.

"But as soon as they entered the room, his partner seemed disappointed and left. I guess maybe they were in the wrong room." She laughed.

Who could've it been? I shrugged it off, probably nothing. "Maybe."

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