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"Let me shower at least! Your brother dragged me here first thing in the morning!" I complained.

"Fine." Sasuke rolled his eyes, slumping down on my bed. I placed a kiss on his forehead before going in the shower.

By the time I came out, Sasuke wasn't in the room. I figured he had just gone out to eat, I put the towel away. Sasuke walked in holding a plate of sushi, "sit down." He demanded.

I did as he told, "I know you don't like sushi but deal with it." He fed me, "I'm starving, I can eat anything at this point." I groaned, eating the sushi.

"Even me?" He smirked, half jokingly. "Yeah, even you." I flirted back, making him chuckle. He fed me food, proudly telling me all about his great mischievous plan of how he got rid of Izumi.

"You're a psycho." I laughed, he rolled his eyes as I finished eating. He got up to put the dirty dishes away.

I wondered how Itachi would react if he found out about Sasuke's plan. Would he be angry? I mean of course he would be. But would he really be upset after knowing what she did?
I hate how they've gotten so distant all because of a misunderstanding.

He came back, turning the lights off on his way in. He sat down beside me, staring out the window. I leaned back on my bed, kind of bored. He laid down with me, staring at the ceiling.

"What's wrong, Sasuke?" I asked, he was quieter than usual. He turned to me, hugging me tightly. I returned his gesture, hugging him and rubbing his back. We laid there silently, seems like he was tired.

I played with his hair, brushing his hair with my fingers. "I missed you a lot." He mumbled, "I've missed you too, Sasuke." I patted his back, "Can I ask you something?" He muttered.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked, patting his head. "Why do you still want to be with me? I mean, after all I've told you. Why?" He looked at me, in the eyes. "Why are you suddenly asking me that?" I asked, "is something bothering you?" I voiced my concern.

"I feel impure, I feel dirty." He said, looking upset and confused. "Sasuke, you aren't impure or dirty. It wasn't your fault, she took advantage of you." I hugged him tightly. "I still want to be with you because I love you, I always have and I forever will."

He held onto me tightly. Why would Izumi do this to him? He hadn't done anything to deserve it. I feel even worse for leaving him when he was in that state, he needed me, and I left him.

But this time, I'll stick by his side. No matter what. I kissed his forehead, he suddenly had tears welling up in his eyes. "Don't cry, Sasuke. I'm here." I wiped them away. He had been bottling up his emotions all these years.

I laid there with him, comforting him every time a tear left his eye. He was hurting, I have to help him as much as I can.

Sasuke fell asleep quickly, he was exhausted. I carefully left him asleep as I exited the room. Ino was leaned on the kitchen counter, reading a paper. I curiously walked up to her.

"What are you doing, Ino?" She had dark circles around her eyes, since she had been pressuring herself to overwork. Come to think of it, I hadn't seen Sai around for a while either. I know that Hinata had gone to visit her sick father but where was Sai?

"I'm trying to cook something, but I'm completely lost. I don't understand this measuring stuff, like why are there so many flours?" She frustrated, holding the paper close to my face. "Look at it." She groaned.

"I think I can help you." We heard a voice coming from behind, there he was. Itachi to the rescue. "Finally!" Ino exclaimed, looks like she was really excited. "I thought we were gonna have to order take out again!"

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