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"Naruto." I heard my name from the elder Uchiha. "Itachi? Why are you calling me? It's 2 in the morning." I questioned as he was on the phone.

"Is sasuke asleep?" He asks. I look over and say "Yeah, he's asleep."

"Alright, can you wake him up and meet me outside ?" I groaned and responded "alright, we're coming." I hung up.

I put my phone away, pecking his lips. He opened his eyes moving the hair on his face.


"Naruto?" He got up, leaning on one arm, "Itachi is outside, he wants to see us." He got up slowly, I lend a hand. He grabbed it, "I wonder what he wants at night." Sasuke muttered.

"Probably wants to tell something important." I pulled him up. He followed me out. Itachi wasn't out there, we waited at the front. It was quite windy, we didn't bring anything either.

Sasuke hugged me, "want me to bring you a jacket?" I asked, he shook his head instead. "I'm okay." He threw his head on my shoulders. I wrapped my arms around his waist.

He looked up to me, as I moved the hair on his eyes. "I'm sorry.." he stuffed his face in my neck. "For what?" I ask, out of curiosity. "Cheating." I smiled, "it's okay." I didn't mind it anymore.

"No, it isn't. I didn't realize I took you for granted, but I do now. Which is why, I'm apologizing."

. . .

"Sasuke, you don't have to apologize anymore. It's in the past, forget about it."

"I promise, I tried my best to change myself. I-I didn't date anyone ever since you left! I tried contacting you but- but you didn't answer back.." he grew frustrated. "Look, I even carried your necklace everywhere I went!" He showed me the necklace I gave him years ago.

"I'm trying, Naruto. I really am! Please don't leave me again! I'll do anything just please don't-..you can even get back with Hinata. It hurt like hell when you left! I know I was in the wrong first but."

"Ugh, what the fuck is wrong with me!"

"It's only fair for you to do the same, which you did. And I'm not complaining about that! I just don't want you to leave me. I swear, I tried my hardest to support you both together. A year ago when Itachi told me about you and her, I tried texting you."

"But I couldn't. Even the thought of you and someone else together hurt. I don't want to lose you. So please bare with me."

"Are you done?"

"I told you, either way my feelings won't change. I still love you, and I always will. Nothing can come between that. Me dating Hinata was just to get over you, and I apologized to her about that earlier today. I wanted to forget about you, I really did. But it was no use."

"But now that you're here, I'm relieved. I don't have to worry about anything. Neither should you, forget about the past. I'm here, we're here, together. That's all it matters." I gave him a soft kiss on his forehead, making him smile.

"Now wipe your tears, we don't want Itachi to worry about it, do we?" He slowly nodded. I wiped his eyes,

"There, if you feel unsure about anything. You tell me, okay? You shouldn't have to bare with it alone."

He nodded, "I will." He hugged me. Kissing me passionately, I felt something in my stomach. Not knowing how to describe it, but it was a good feeling.

"Where is Itachi anyway?" Sasuke asked. "He said he's waiting outside for us, but I don't know where he is."

"Let me check again." I put my hands in my pocket, not finding my phone. "I think I left it there- I'll go get it."

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