[𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙘𝙩]

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(Im just rewriting chapters at this point, it's basically what it was before but worded better.)

"Welcome home!"

-Sasuke and Izumi greeted us, going in for a hug.We returned it quickly. "Can we change? I'm pretty worn up." He says.

-"we'll be back." I say, smiling. Itachi brought me to his room locking the door. He sighed and came over hugging me. "Are you okay? You've been tired all night." I say, hugging him back. "Mhmm!" he hummed.

- I gripped on his waist. Quickly letting go when hearing banging on the door, "do you want something to eat, Itachi?" Izumi asked. "No." Itachi sat on his bed and saw something white.

He checked the white spots on his sheets. "What the hell?!" He got up quickly. "They did it on my fucking bed!?" I was grossed out. "You can sleep with me... if you'd like."

-He sighed rubbing the side of his face, "you should head to your room, I'll be there in a sec." I nodded. "Oh okay, just don't make it obvious." I said confusing him.

-He shrugged, I left the room. Ending up face to face with Izumi, "Oh Izumi, how's your day?" She smiled, "it's fine, how about yours?" She peeked behind me as I left his room. "Good." I got to my room and she stopped me.

-"Uhm- Not trying to sound weird to anything, but why were you in Itachi's room?" She asked suspiciously. "We were discussing about our trip, and how we'll complete the projects looking over our schedules."  she seemed to believe me.

-"Gotta go, I'm tired." I wave her off and head to my bed.

𝗜𝘁𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗶'𝘀 𝗽𝗼𝘃-

I get out see Izumi standing there with her arms wide open waiting for me to hug her. I walked past her going straight to Sasuke, she frowned and followed anyway. "Sasuke. What the fuck is this?" I drag him to my room along with Izumi behind us. He had a frown planted on his face . "What? How am I supposed to know? It's your room."

"Yeah but I gave you the keys to my room, so explain." I folded my arms. "Well, I gave them to Izumi." He pointed at her, "This is why I told you to take your keys with you." I heard a familiar voice, Naruto.

"I should've listened." He leaned on the door.

"Well? Sasuke?" I look at him, "I didn't do anything." He walked over to Naruto.
"Explain that." Naruto glared at him.

" if anything, it wasn't me."

"He'll be sleeping in my room, until you clean this up." Naruto spoke, Sasuke's eye started twitching.  "No. You can't sleep with him." He glared at Naruto, then me.

"Don't fucking look at me like that." Naruto spoke, "I will most definitely not allow him to sleep in our room. No. Matter. What." He grabbed Naruto's arm.

"boo hoo, suck it up." He rolled his eyes. "C'mon, I'll help you put those in my room." Naruto said pointing at the suitcases. He tugged on my sleeve.

I smiled, earning a smile back.

His room was neatly organized, "I'm really glad you're staying with me, thank you." He hugged me, I felt happy. We were close, definitely closer than what him and Sasuke were.

We shared thoughts, conversations, everything. The only thing that bothered me was that he thought of me as a best friend.

But that was enough for me. I smiled, feeling relived.

"You can hang your clothes in that closet. I just emptied it out before our trip." He smiled picking out clothes from his closet. "Thank you." I said as he laughed.

"No I should be saying that." He said taking his clothes back in the bathroom. I just put my suitcase beside the closet, he came out quickly, grinning. "C'mon! I'll help you sort your clothes out!" He got on the bed patting the spot close to him. I sighed and threw my suitcase on the bed, sitting close to him.

We talked and talked as he helped me unpack. Soon we were done in like thirty minutes, "So you can sleep on whichever side you like becausee obviously I can sleep anywhere." I checked the outlet point. "Don't worry, there's a outlet on both sides of the bed." He laughed. "Then I'll sleep on this side. Near my closet, If that's fine."

"Yeah okay, that's fine with me." He yawned and got under the covers. "I'm taking a nap." He literally falls asleep in five minutes. I still have a assignment to do so I got on my computer and worked my way through out the next hour to complete it. I soon found Naruto completely under the sheets. He moved closer to my thigh and hugging it from under the covers.

I continue doing my work, the room was filled with the sound of wind. It breezed through my hair, I checked the time and found it was already 7:00 in the evening.

"Naruto, do you want to eat something? I'm leaving to get food." I shut my computer off. "Mhm.." he hummed. "Well, what would you like?" I ask. "Ramen..maybe sushi.."

"Alright." I got up, "I'm gonna shower before anything."

"Did you already not shower.?" Naruto asked, "I shower twice a day." I responded, "you mean three times."

"Oh is it? I seem to forget." He rubbed his eyes. "I'll come out quick."

"okay." He sighed, hugging me tightly. "You're choking me-"

"Well, I can't hug Sasuke and I'm touch starved so I need to hug you."

We laid there for a minute or two, "Okay, now you can go. I'll save the rest for later."

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