Chapter 5

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     Talia had crawled into bed that night, exhausted, but worried her spinning mind would keep her from sleep. She was wrong. She dreamt of night in a forest, where she wasn't afraid but soothed by the tall trees, the moonlight cascading through the leaves to light her path. There was peace there. She awoke with the sunlight and couldn't keep herself from jumping out of bed and parting her curtains to bask in it for just a moment before dressing and leaving her room.
All of Feyre's dresses in the closet were now the correct length. She smiled and pulled a plain grey one from the middle. She looked in the mirror before leaving, tying her long, dark hair back from her face. Today, they would begin their plan. She exited her room and paused. She realized she had no idea where to go, where she might get a bite to eat, or where she was to meet Rhysand. She wrung her hands for a moment.

"A bit more diplomatic, if you please." She murmured to herself. 

She should have asked before he left last night. It was early still, she had time to wonder around until she found a cup of tea, at least. She wondered indeed, right back to the door of the shadowsinger. She had to know he was still alright before allowing herself to explore. She cracked the door. Cassian was slung across the sofa against the windows, breathing deeply. Good, he needed the sleep. And in the bed, Azriel lay perfectly still, in the same position she had left him. She held her breath as she watched for his. There, she could see that gentle rise and fall again. She looked around the room, illuminated by the rising sun, just as she had imagined it the night before.
Suddenly, she was imagining again, what the room was like when it wasn't nearly a tomb. What he would look like in his chair by the fire with a book, standing before the mirror to dress, gazing out the window as she was now. She shook her head. Save him. That's the only goal. She slowly backed away from the door and clicked it shut. As she turned to walk back down the hallway, Rhysand turned the corner and entered it. He stopped, his hands in his pockets. He looked better.

"Working already?"

"Just checking." She said, smiling slightly to indicate that she had found things as they should be. "I was hoping to find a cup of tea, actually."

"Of course." Rhysand turned to head the opposite direction, then down the steps to the level where her bedroom was, and then down another. He turned left and Talia found herself in a massive kitchen. Rhysand took out two cups and filled them with hot water. He added tea leaves. He turned to her.

"Milk? Sugar?"

"Oh, no thanks." She said. He handed her one of the cups as he took a sip from the other. He was dressed more casually today and he seemed lighter on his feet.
They didn't say much else and when the tea was done for, she followed him out of the kitchen and down two more flights of stairs. They stopped before a set of floor to ceiling double doors. He turned to her before entering, placing his hands in his pockets again.

"I know it's a long walk down here with..." he trailed off, seemingly unsure how to bring it up.

"My leg." She finished, nodding. "It's really fine. I know I have a limp, but I'm not in pain." She smiled reassuringly. "Just slow."

He nodded too, frowning slightly. "Please, if it is ever an issue, we can have anything from the library delivered to your room." He turned as if to open the door and then said over his shoulder, "Or his."

Talia had been in libraries before. The one at Hybern was massive. But when Rhysand opened those double doors, she had been completely unprepared. Level after level of rows of books went down, down into the mountain's core. Each level contained row after row that went further than her fae eyes could see, even after they adjusted to the dim light.
She realized she was standing in the entrance gawking as Rhysand walked up to a large desk where a priestess sat. Her face covered. A priestess. A priestess? Talia's hands were immediately clammy and her stomach, empty save for one cup of tea, threatened to turn over completely. Heart racing, she watched the priestess stand up and write Rhysand a note. He smiled at her and then turned to Talia. He would notice she hadn't come any closer. The scent of her panic had filled her own nostrils by now, there was no way he wouldn't detect it as he strode toward her. His steps quickened as he reached her, and she realized her right hand was at her throat, trying to slow her pounding heart before he could hear it.

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