Chapter 35

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Azriel stepped up beside Talia where she had stopped.

"Where?" He asked.

"Northern shore. They knew you took the book and gave the signal."

Talia's heart dropped and bounced back up into her throat. "Is that your blood?" She pointed to the high lord's chest.

Rhysand shook his head, holding up his hand disarmingly. "It's theirs."

Azriel had the sudden urge to get his mate and the book she carried out of the open. He put his hand on her back and walked into the house. Rhysand followed them. "Cassian is there now. It was a small legion but they struck without warning. I left anticipating your return." He looked to Talia. "How did it go?"

She knew she was the right one for the question but his piercing eyes never failed to make her shrink. "We got the book, but I wasn't able to remove my name. I guess it went about as expected."

He glanced up at Azriel, who shook his head. They could discuss his failings later. "Amren is down in the library. Take the book to her, she'll help you get it secured."

Talia nodded, looking at Azriel and back to Rhysand. "Then I'm going with you."

Rhysand didn't shake his head but his eyes said no. "Cassian will send for you when he's ready. We weren't fully prepared." He shook his head then, out of frustration. "We can use you, Talia, when the plans are in place."

Every one of his high lord's words stung Azriel's ears. In his opinion, the library was the only logical place for her to be. But he couldn't hold her there. The fact that she was aware of what was going on meant that no one could.

Talia's stomach was rolling with nerves but she kept outwardly calm. This was it. The thing she had sworn to do, and their enemies, her enemies were on their doorstep. She turned to Azriel and put her hand on his arm. He pulled her close and put his lips against her forehead.

"See you soon." She said and smiled up at him. She turned and limped toward the library. As she did, she fought the burn behind her eyes. She told herself she was just tired, but every little parting would feel like an eternal goodbye until this was over and that filled her the rest of the way with dread.

Azriel watched her go, full of turmoil. This was her purpose, her passion, and yet if he could he would remove her from it. She knew it. Rhysand knew it. But he didn't say it.

"What happened?" Rhysand asked once the healer was out of earshot.

Azriel crossed his arms, his eyes lingering on the spot she had disappeared from. "Nothing we didn't....anticipate." He turned back to his brother, his leader, on the last word and knew he couldn't lie successfully to Rhysand. Ever. "But it's fine now."

Rhysand looked him over, unconvinced. "Is it?"

They held each other's eyes for a moment, unmoving. "It wasn't. But we're here now, and there are more pressing matters."

Rhysand mirrored the shadowsinger's pose. Azriel was slightly taller but no one would be able to deny Rhysand's authority in that moment. "It's pressing to me, Az, that you are able to do your job."

"I am." No hesitation.

Rhysand dropped his arms and walked to his office. Cassian shouldn't be too far behind them, if all had gone well since he left. Battles, wars, conflict, he was a stranger to none of it but this time felt different. Hybern loved nothing more than the element of surprise and while they were well aware of that, it didn't make them any more prepared. And he wasn't going to press Azriel about what had happened but he had been able to tell immediately that something was off. Something was wrong. That mixed with the stronger scent of the mating bond between him and the healer made him nervous that focus could become an issue. 

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