Chapter 16

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     As the anticipation of what was to come next for her began to consume and overwhelm her focus, she numbed herself in the training ring, in the library, in the bath, in bed. At some point she had had a conversation with Nesta but she couldn't quite recall what it was about.
"See you at dinner." The female had said, and it was the only thing ringing in her brain as she slipped on a dress and walked down to meet her. Cassian was standing in the kitchen with his mate when Talia entered. They both offered her a smile and Nesta held out a plate. Talia took it and followed them to the dining room.
"We haven't gotten to talk in a while, little one." Cassian said as he pulled the chairs for both females and sat at the head of the table. "Besides yesterday, I mean."

Talia looked up at Nesta across from her, she met her gaze with an open face. Talia looked to Cassian, mouth open to ask if Nesta knew, but he was already nodding.

"I told her." He said, taking a bite. "She's a part of this."

Talia looked down at her plate, embarrassed. "Of course." Of course she would be made aware of the happenings of the court. "Have you heard anything?" she asked without looking up.

Cassian finished his bite and swallowed. "No, and I'm not sure when we can expect to." Talia just nodded, not sure where to lead the conversation. "Nesta tells me you are doing well in the ring. That you favor a sword like her."

Talia dropped her shoulders. "I'm always unsteady, you know, with one bum leg. A sword balances me. It puts me in the right rhythm."

Nesta stayed serious but her eyes sparkled as she spoke up. "The bow and arrow proved to be a liability for all of us."

Cassian looked at the healer, eyebrows raised. "Oh really."

Talia looked at him pitifully. "So I broke the water container. I don't see the issue."

He laughed at her, and she realized she had never felt so little need to hide, to be small.
     Azriel took his time making his way to the kitchen. He could hear voices coming from the dining room but he didn't feel like chatting with anyone. He slipped through the door and grabbed a plate of food quietly before escaping to his room. As he passed the door to the dining room, he heard Talia's laugh ring out, accompanied by Cassian's low chuckle and it stopped him. The sound almost pushed him through the doors but he refrained. He knew how ragged he looked after this long day, how his shadows would darken the mood. How it might stop that sound. He listened for a while longer, barely able to make out conversation here and there but mostly just to hear the sound of her voice. Jealousy, but not the heated kind, the sorrowful kind, welled up in him. He wondered if he would ever make her laugh like that. He stalked away, committing to try.
     Talia went to bed feeling lighter somehow. Maybe she wouldn't run. Not yet. She would wait until her lineage was proven and then plan from there. The dreams came again but the fear wasn't so heavy, the sadness seemed to be hanging over her at a distance rather than pressing her to the ground. Her eyes were still blocked, the scene confused. Maybe they were ending. Maybe they would finally leave her. She woke tired, as usual, but ready to face the day. Study, train, wait. She slipped on her favorite dark green dress and slipped barefoot down the hall and the steps to the kitchen, the house still quiet. As she pushed the door to the kitchen open, lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice Azriel leaning against the counter across the room, his hands braced on the edge behind him. She walked in, frowning as she mulled something over, walking over to the kettle. Azriel watched her, amused. He cleared his throat and she startled, looking at him with wide eyes, nearly dropping the cup she had just grabbed from the cabinet.
He chuckled and the sound skittered down her spine. "Sorry."

It was too late to try and cool her reddening cheeks. "It's fine." She wished her voice didn't squeak out that way. "I didn't see you."

He grabbed his own cup off the counter beside him and cradled it in both hands, suddenly uncharacteristically nervous. Rarely, rarely could Talia read the shadowsinger, but she could feel it. His face never betrayed him. "I was hoping to catch you." He said.

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