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     Talia stood in front of a shop window, a familiar one, and stared in. A blue dress still stood in the window, a rich velvet with silver piping. It amazed her that after all that had changed, this window display hadn't.

"I had a feeling about this one." Feyre leaned over her shoulder and studied the dress as well. Her hand went protectively over the slight swell of her belly.

"Do you think he'll like it?" Talia asked, not looking away.

Feyre stepped toward the entrance of the shop. "I think he'd marry you in a potato sack."

Talia smiled to herself and followed Feyre in. It was cold in Velaris and she shed her fur lined coat as they were greeted by the owner. Azriel had been more interested in the planning than she would have guessed, and excited enough that his family teased him constantly. But Talia found it endearing and sweet and most days the idea that one being could want her like that was overwhelming in the best way. Finally, he had swept her off her feet and she was content in the current. Finally, not knowing what came next was thrilling, enticing, and not terrifying.

The sweet older female pulled the dress from its spot at the window and let Talia try it on. Feyre and Nesta just stared at her.

"Well?" She asked, suddenly self conscious. "What do we think?"

Nesta turned to Feyre. "Did I look this good on my wedding day?" She pointed to Talia.

Feyre shook her head. "There's no way."

Talia smiled, lowered her shoulders and turned back to the mirror. The dress hugged her body to just below her hips before it flowed outward, ending in a long train. The sleeves where tight to her elbows and then opened, exposing her singular tattoo. The deep v gave her a feminine shape while the collar rose around her neck, framing the delicate chain and blue stone that lay there. She looked beautiful. Whole and happy and beautiful. The shop owner helped her out of the dress, keeping it for alterations, and Nesta and Feyre took her for lunch.

"We'll throw a party after the new year." Feyre said over a bite. "We would hate for you two to miss out on all the lavish gifts."

Talia nodded, forgoing her usual hesitation. She wanted all of it, the parties, the gifts, and him. She wanted it for him, really, because she knew what it meant that they had reached this point together. She fidgeted with the silver ring on her left hand. It was simple but she loved it, and she loved that when people saw it, they knew who she belonged to.

Back at the house, Talia changed into more comfortable clothes and sought him out. He was in the ring with Cassian, and even Rhysand leaned on the fence watching them. Laughing with them. She stayed silent. There would always be conflict, there would always be danger, there would always be power struggles and battles and tensions but in her heart she knew she would always have him and so it would always be okay. The wind held a chill but Azriel had his sleeves pulled up to his elbows as he swung a wooden training sword at the general who ducked, cursing and saying something about splinters. Gods, he was beautiful. Her heart sputtered a few unsteady beats as he turned and caught sight of her, the late afternoon sun shining off of his eyes. She wondered if that electric shock would ever fade, if catching his gaze would ever stop making her buzz. As she walked toward him, she hoped it wouldn't.

"Excuse me, gentlemen." He sketched a bow and handed Rhysand his sword as he walked toward her.

"Don't stop on my account." She grinned at him.

"I know you like to watch." He said against her neck as he hugged her, his voice low.

"Its better when you're half dressed, if I'm honest." She matched his sultry tone and in an instant they were standing before his bed, barely even out of their clothes before they fell into it.

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