Chapter 17

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     Talia hoped the faebane in her system wore off before they got to the other soldiers in need. It wouldn't affect her the same as her body fought off the small amount it took to give Cassian his own healing power back. She might be weakened, but still able to help. Rhysand landed them outside the house and walked ahead of her.

"It wasn't a large legion, only half of them made it back."

She swallowed and her stomach dropped. Some of them were killed? Be diplomatic. This is your job. "Okay."

He stopped and turned to her in the darkness. "You're weakened from taking the faebane from Cass..."

"Not like he was. I should be fine." She held her hands in front of her and inspected them. She hoped she was right. The males were set up in tents outside the house, other healers tended to them.

"I brought them here knowing if we were followed, the wards should hold." Rhysand said as he guided her in.

There were eight males total, the healers said two had already gone home. Most of them were already much better. Talia sat with two of them to help heal, her power able to work past the faebane this time. So then it would only block her in large amounts. After she was satisfied and the healers were cleaning up, she went back to Rhysand.

"So Cassian must have been the target then. They new he would arrive first."

Rhysand nodded. "He's awake."

"I'm finished here. We should go back."

He took her and flew back to the house. She took the few quiet moments in the air to settle herself. Azriel sat in a chair near Cassian's bed, Feyre standing beside him, Nesta still sat next to her mate. They all looked more relaxed as Rhysand and Talia entered. The healer went straight to Nesta's side to check on him. He was sitting up, his color back. He looked better.

"Looking rough, general."

"No thanks to you, healer." He smirked at her.

She held one hand up to shield her words from Azriel, her eyes twinkling. "When I came in you looked nearly as bad as he did." She jabbed her thumb in the shadowsinger's direction. She glanced past her hand at him. He was glaring but his eyes laughed, same as hers. Rhysand came to stand at the foot of the bed, his arms crossed.

"What did I miss?" He said, his voice serious.

Cassians face matched his high lord's tone. "After the ambush, we fought them off but they were obviously focused on me. They could have ended it then but they didn't. They were waiting on whoever was coming to help. I took them down but not before they mentioned Talia by name." He looked at her then, his eyes warm, apologetic even, and she met them, willing hers not to betray the fear that gripped her.

"So the trap wasn't for you."

Cassian shook his head. "I was the bait."

"They expected me to bring her to you."

"There could have been others in wait for that very reason."

Rhysand stayed still, contemplating. Azriel stood from his chair. "Why come for her now? After all this time?" His voice was as serious as Rhysand's.

Rhysand rubbed his chin in thought. "They either don't want us to have her any longer, or they are creating a diversion." He looked at Talia and she was sure her expression gave her away completely. He looked back to her mate, he could scent the bond but he knew she was still in the dark. "I wouldn't have risked taking her, anyway." He said meeting Azriel's eyes. "We called the troops inland. We have to watch closer for traps. Other than that, nothing changes." He looked to both of the Illyrians who nodded in agreement, and walked out. Those night court men had died because of her. She reached for her throat, noticing Azriel's eyes on her. His mouth was open to ask if she was alright but Cassian beat him to it.

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