Chapter 29

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     "You're going to do what?" Talia sat next to Feyre and looked to her high lord at the head of the table. Cassian was sitting to his left but Azriel stood behind his mate, a hand on the back of her chair.

"The King has arrived amongst his troops." Rhysand said. Talia looked to Cassian who nodded in confirmation. "He wants to meet. I'm going to go."

"Rhys..." Feyre frowned.

"Why would you do that? Shouldn't we be preparing for an attack or something?" Talia looked between Rhysand and his general. They looked serious. Her stomach turned over.

Rhysand shrugged. "I want to know what he wants. He told you he was done with you, so I intend to find out why they're still bothering me."

The last week had been fast, and exhausting. Her eyes had looked at so many words that they danced in the background of her dreams. Even the dark, horrid ones. Azriel standing with his hand on her chair was the closest they had been since the night she had kissed him and begged him to rest. It looked like he hadn't. The Illyrians had been on the coast with their own troops and watching for changes. The most notable being the arrival of the enemy himself, which had finally brought them home. Talia had been in the ring with Nesta as much as possible in between searching rows of books with the priestesses. The female had been excited for the healer to return but was sobered by the prophecy. And the other goings on. Talia focused.

"...we'll go down tomorrow. Meet in three days. It's plenty of time to prepare."

Cassian stood, and without realizing, so did Talia. "I should go with you."

"That's not necessary." Rhys said but his eyes questioned her. The shadowsinger was quiet but she heard his grip on her chair tighten.

"I'm your healer. I should be there." He blinked. "The king loves to disable. If something happens, how quickly can you make it back here?"

"Not...quickly." Cassian said, looking down at Rhysand.

"We don't even know if he still wants me."

"He might." Az spoke from behind her.

"And I'll be right there, where you can see me. If you need me." She looked over her shoulder at her honey-eyed shadowsinger and back to his brother. "Amren is back in summer court. I can't do much until she's back regarding the book." She spread her hands. "Make me useful."

"You're only useful alive." Azriel let his hand slide off of her chair.

"So are you. Shouldn't I trust you and your men to keep me safe?" She didn't look at him this time. "If they take me with the troops right there, they know that could start something." She leaned forward and placed her hands on the table. Feyre was watching her. Cassian nodded. She was right. "You asked me to do a job. Let me."

Rhysand nodded, standing. He looked to Azriel. "Bring your men to the coordinates we discussed. She will stay there. They won't expect a female amongst those ranks." And he would be there with them. He turned and left before she could so much as catch his eye. She swallowed.

Cassian met her gaze. "Remember what we have discussed, little one. I'll find you today so we can go over some things." He smiled and followed Azriel out. Rhysand followed them, too.

Talia sat back down slowly, next to Feyre who hadn't moved. Suddenly Talia let out a breathless laugh. "Was that stupid?"

The high lady laughed, too. "No one is smart in times like these." She stood. "I think Rhysand going down there at all is stupid. Is it even more stupid not to? Probably." She patted the healer's shoulder. "We're all trying to be useful." She walked out, leaving Talia staring at the blue sky through the windows. The thought that she could help, and stayed behind anyway, was dark. Sickening and impossible. Maybe, best case scenario, nothing happens. She trusted Rhysand and his judgement. But her life wasn't worth any of theirs. And the house wasn't what made her feel safe. Not anymore. They were.

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