Chapter 3: Another day on Destiny Island

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The following days were filled with races against Riku and Sora (and sometimes Kairi) along the beach of Destiny Island (of which Riku and I usually tied for first, 90% of the time), sword fights against Sora and Riku (mostly against Riku since I always took out Sora after about 30 seconds). After the first three days of being on Destiny Island Riku, Kairi, and Sora finally told me of their plan to build a raft and sail off the island to other worlds.

I sighed, they think world traveling is that easy? But I didn't want to spoil their fun, so I just went with it.

On the first day of building the raft, Riku and I were in gathering logs, Kairi was getting the ties, and Sora was supposed to be gathering supplies for our trip. Key word being supposed to.

I was dragging a log over to the designated spot (where we would be building the raft) when I spotted Sora asleep on the beach, and Kairi was bending over him.

"Is he asleep?" I asked her in disbelief,

She nodded and put a finger to her lips, "Watch this," she whispered,

She then leaned over Sora so that her head was directly in front of his face. This action made me remember that night more than 10 years ago.

~ flashback ~

I was sitting next to Ventus watching the stars and lost in my own thoughts.

"Why does this feel so familiar." I heard Ven mutter,

"Hmmmm." Was all I said because I was already pondering my on thoughts.

I wonder if both Aqua and Terra will pass the exam tomorrow? I thought, What will happen if they do? Will they leave me and Ven? I wonder how the trials are conducted. Will Master Xehanort be invited? I hope not.

I was suddenly interupted from my musings when Ven cried out, "Wow! Aqua, give me a break will you?" He laughed.

I sat up to see Aqua standing over him, "Ven, you hopeless sleepy head! You should've at least brought a blanket." She smiled then turned to me. "You young lady are just as bad as him!" She laughed unable to pretend like she was mad anymore. "Couldn't sleep either?" I asked, she just shook her head and pointed to Ven who was looking back up at the stars and mumbling something to himself.

​​​​~ end of flashbacks ~

I smiled at the memory, and watched as Kairi continued to stare at Sora. As though her eyes would burn a hole through his eyelids and wake him up. To my surprise, after a few minutes of Kairi staring him down Sora did finally wake up. He sat up and yawned (Kairi had backed up so that he wouldn't see her), after he finished yawning he fell back down onto the warm sand. As soon as he had played back down Kairi stuck her head back over his.

"Woah! Give me a break Kairi!" Sora exclaimed, clearly not expecting her.

Just like when Aqua woke up Ven, I thought smiling to myself as Kairi proceeded to scold Sora.

"Sora! You lazy bum, I thought I'd find you snoozing here." She laughed,

"This huge, black THING swallowed me up! I couldn't breathe! I couldn't-" Sora began panicking,

Huge black thing? That sounds kind of like the Unversed. I thought, ​​​​Myabe because Sora's heart holds Ventus heart as well, maybe Ven's memories are interacting with Sora's dreams. I jumped out of my thoughts just in time to see Kairi smack Sora.

"Are you still dreaming?" The red head smiled, "If so I can snake you again!" She offered,

"It wasn't a dream!" The spiky brunett argued, before realization finally set in, "Or was it? I don't know. That place was so bazaar!" He wondered,

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