Chapter 7: Maleficent's Domain

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Author - Art is created by me!

Maleficent's portal led us to a castle. The castle itself looked very run down and there were heartless (which I assumed was what those shadow creatures were called) everywhere. Surprisingly while I did get a few small headaches from the large amounts of darkness radiating from both the castle itself and from Maleficent, I wasn't in to much pain.

"Now then, I'll need you two to capture this girl and bring her here to me." The witch explained, showing us an image of a girl with blonde hair, wearing a blue dress with a white apron, white socks, and a pair of black shoes.

"Where is this girl located?" I inquired,

"She is in a world known as Wonderland." Maleficent explained, she opened a dark corridor, "this will take you to her. You to can use these dark corridors, but be fore warned taking the darkness lightly may cost you your heart."

"Whatever, let's go already." Riku said, impatient to finish the mission so that Maleficent could show him where Kairi was.

"Kathy must stay here." Maleficent's voice stopped us,

"What?" Riku looked back at the witch,

"Why do I have to stay here?" I complained,

"Because, this mission will be easier if only one of you goes." the witch explained,

I looked at her warily, I figured that was not half the reason why Maleficent was insisting that I stay behind. But I figured I may as well stay behind anyway.

"Fine, I'll stay." I relented, 'Besides' I added through my link with Riku, 'I can always talk to you through here. If you need my help just let me know!'

'Like I'd need your help.' Riku scoffed, but I saw a small smile appear on his face before he left.

I watched as Riku disappeared through the portal. Now what? I thought, Guess I could go write in my journal....

With that thought in mind I soon found myself wandering back to Riku and mines' room. Maleficent had given us a shared room for no apparent reason, she had said it was because there wasn't enough room for both of us to have a separate room. But I had my suspicions that it was because she wanted to keep an eye on both of us. And it would be much easier for her to keep an eye on both of us if we were in the same room.

Either that or Maleficent is much more romantic than I thought, I blushed at the idea that Maleficent thought Riku and I should belong together. I quickly dispelled that idea and went back to my original theory as to why Maleficent had placed us in the same room.

I arrived at our bedroom and sat down on my bed. I pulled out a my diary from my pocket and a pencil from the same pocket. When I went to pull my pencil out of my pocket my hand hit my wayfinder, and a memory flashed before my eyes.

~ flashback ~

Aqua held four wayfinders in her hand, "I made us good luck charms!" Aqua tosses an orange wayfinder to Terra.

"Woah!" Ven exclaims leaning over to look at Terra's wayfinder.

"Here!" Aqua smiles, tossing a green wayfinder to Ven and a purple one to me.

"I get one to?" Ven asks, looking surprised,

"Of course, one for each of us." Aqua explains,

"Yeah!" Ven exclaims

We each hold our wayfinders in the palm of our hand to compare them. As I look at the four wayfinders I realize, they strengthen our connection to each other. In a way nothing else could.

"Somewhere out there. There's this tree with star shaped fruit, and the fruit represents an unbreakable connection." the bluenette explained, "Technically I think your supposed to make them with seashells. But I did the best with what I had. Kathy helped too." she added,

"So this isn't a real good luck charm?" Ventus sighed,

"Well, that's yet to be seen. But I did work a little magic on it!" Aqua smiled,

"Really, what?" the blonde inquired,

Aqua held her blue wayfinder up to the sky, "A Unbreakable connection!" she smiled,

~ end of flashback ~

I smiled to myself, "I'll always have a my friends with me." I whispered, "No matter what happens or where I go, they'll always be there for me. Even if I can't see them."

I sighed, and looked down at my journal, which was now sitting in my lap, "Guess I'd better write in you, huh?" I asked the journal,

I smiled, opening the journal I flipped to a new page and started writing.

Author - Sorry for the lousy writing. Its just been a little while and I really wanted to update this! I probably won't have Kathy go on the kidnapping missions with Riku, since I don't have enough information on those, so I decided I'll just have her stay in Maleficent's castle instead. Hope you enjoyed reading the chapter! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

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