Chapter 4: Sunsets and Friends

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Since Kairi stayed with Sora, I would usually have dinner with Riku and sometimes his parents (whenever they were there that was), then Sora or Kairi would come over to pick up Riku and me. Then the four if us would head back down to Destiny Island to watch the sunset and talk about other worlds. And when it got dark I would go and spend the nigjt at Sora's house with Kairi. Once I spent the night at Riku's since there was a really bad rainstorm and Sora's mom had called and asked if I could spend the night there.

Ever since that night Riku acted differently toward me. Instead of acting the same way he did to Sora (like he usually acted with me) he starts acting almost kinder, almost like he respected me and cared for me now. He also got a lot more protective over me, like that one time Tidus tried to flirt with me, even though I had it handled Riku sent him packing in about five seconds. Sora said he's never seen Riku so angry before, after that incident Riku started avoiding me.

These thoughts raced through my head as Riku and I waited underneath the Paopu tree for Sora and his 'girlfriend' to show up. Suddenly Riku got up from where he had been leaning against the tree.

"There, I think I see them." The sliver haired teen pointed towards the ocean, where I could just make out our two friends.

"About time." I called out, once I spotted Kairi and Sora making their way towards us over the bridge.

"Sorry we took so long." Sora panted, sitting himself on the tree.

"Yeah, we got a bit detained." Kairi smiled sheepishly,

"I can imagine." I murmured,

We stayed silent after that, at least for a few minutes. Just watching he sunset and listening to the sounds of the waves crashing on the beach.

"So, Kairi's home is out there somewhere, right?" Sora broke the silence,

"Could be. But we'll never know if we stay here." Riku answered,

"But how far could a raft take us?" The spiky brunette asked,

"Not far." I muttered, at the same time as Riku said, "Who knows."

"If we have to, we'll think of something else." Riku finished,

Kairi got a thoughtful look on her face, "Suppose we do get to other worlds? What would we do then?" She giggled softly,

"Well, I haven't really thought about it." Riku sighed,

"You just want to be anywhere but here." I whispered,

Riku nodded, "It's just... I've always wondered why we're here on this island. If there are any other worlds out there, why did we end up on this one? And suppose there are other worlds... Then ours is just a little piece of something much greater. So we could've just as easily ended up somewhere else, right?"

"I've often wondered the same thing." I added, "I mean, its just as likely that all of us could've ended up somewhere else, right?"

"I don't know." Sora replied, laying down on the tree,

"You've been thinking a lot lately, haven't you?" Kairi asked quietly,

"Yeah, Thanks to you and Kathy. If you hadn't come hereand if we hadn't found Kayhy in taht old house, I probably would've never thought of any of this. Kairi, Kathy, thanks." Riku explained,

"Your welcome!" Kairi replied happily,

"Don't mention it." I also replied, Not like I had much of a choice anyway, I mumbled to myself.

We watched the sunset for a few more minutes before heading back. On the way back I noticed Riku throw a paopu fruit to Sora.

"Sora! You wanted one of these, didn't you." He called, tossing the star shaped trout to his friend.

"A paopu fruit?" Sora asked curiously,

"If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They'll remain a part of each other's lives no matter what." He explained, walking past Sora and towards the boats, "Come on, I know you want to try it!"

"Want to try-Hey wait!" Sora rushed after Riku finally realizing what he meant,

I walked over and picked up the discarded paopu. "Guess you were wrong, Aqua." I whispered, "You mixed up a few parts of the legend."

I pulled my purple wayfinder out if my pocket and held it up, "An Unbreakable connection" I whispered, repeating the words Aqua had when she had given me, Ventus, and Terra oir wayfinders on that special night, so long ago.

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