Chapter 13: The Deepest Darkness

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I watched from the shadows, while Sora defeated Riku, first time ever, and Riku ran off down one of the long dark hallways. Sora of course didn't attempt to follow him, and since he was with his friends now, I figured he'd be fine.

Before I even knew what I was doing I had raced after Riku. Following him down the long hallway I had this strange feeling of... regret, almost. As well as a very strong feeling of anger. At what, I couldn't tell yet.

"Riku!" I called out,

Riku slowed down as he heard my voice, "Kathy? Why did you follow me? Aren't still with Sora?"

"No, I never was." I replied, "I only stay with those who need my help the most. And now that Sora has his friends he doesn't need my help anymore."

"I don't need your help either." Riku retored,

"Uh huh..." I smirked, "So you finally losing to Sora doesn't mean you need help?"

Riku didn't answer to my comment.

"Thought so." I mumbled, lapsing into silence once more.

"Why did I lose the keyblade?" Riku suddenly asked,

I opened my mouth to say something, but someone else beat me to it. As the ominous voice spoke, I suddenly realized, we weren't as alone as I had first thought.

"Know this. The heart that is strong and true shall win the Keyblade." an ominous voice answered Riku's question.

"What? You're saying my heart's weaker than his?" Riku inquire, slightly shocked at the mysterious voices reply.

"or that instant, it was. However, you can become stronger." the voice replied, as it stepped from the shadows, "You showed no fear in stepping through the door to darkness. It held no terror for you. Plunge deeper into the darkness, and your heart will grow even stronger."

The thing that stepped from the shadows, resembled something of a large brown sack. For some very odd reason its presence seemed, familiar to me.

But why would I recognize this creature? What even is it?! I wondered, I have a bad feeling about this..

Riku seemed totally unconcerned by the creatures sudden appearance. He seemed defeated, almost, which concerned me. Desperate people do desperate things.

Riku had always been the more competitive one among us, meaning me, Kairi, and Sora. Especially when it came to Sora. Riku and Sora were always competing over something, whether it was races, naming a boat, or winning over Kairi's appreciation, they were always competing. But I had also noticed the two of them shared a very deep friendship. Almost like the friendship between me, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus. But there's was different somehow.. I still couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"What should I do?"

I was startled out of my thoughts by Riku, replying to 'brown sacks' anouncement.

"It's really quite simple. Open yourself to the darkness. That is all. Let your heart, your being become darkness itself." the being replied, as a blue light surrounded it and a green light surrounded Riku.

I gasped quietly, this was what I meant by desperate people do desperate things. The darkness around me became overwhelming, and all I could think about was getting out of that hallway. And fast!

Ignoring all reason, I opened a portal and hoped through it. Not really caring where it took me, so long as it was away from there.

Away from the darkness, somewhere where the light shown the brightest. Somewhere, where I could rest.

Somewhere, safe.

1Author - 0_0 Ok... not how I had originally planned it... but it works... I guess... (I might go back over it another time and see if I can make it a little better).

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