Chapter 17: Mission Complete

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As Aqua, Kathy, and Mickey pushed the door open the three collectively noticed the room was slightly illuminated. Aqua gasped as she saw the Kingdom Key D floating inside the room admitting a golden glow from its blade.

"There!" Mickey Mouse said, pointing toward the glowing keyblade.

"Is that what you're after?" Aqua inquired, as the group walked towards the key.

"Yep, it's just the key I was looking for." Mickey nodded, "A Keyblade from the dark realm!" he added,

"A Keyblade of darkness." Aqua wondered,

"Seems a little strange doesn't it?" Kathy muttered,

"Yeah." Aqua whispered back,

"Hard to believe there are all sorts of keyblades like this one still out there." the brunette added,

Aqua nodded, and the two girls watched while Mickey claimed the key. But as their first quest ended, their second one began.

Kathy's P.O.V.

Now that we had all the keys we needed I was hoping Mickey would skip to the part where he told me what was going on with Sora and Riku! And more importantly, where the two were.

I watched as Mickey grabbed the keyblade, its glow fading, revealing its golden blade and silver handle.

"The door of darkness...tied by two keys. The door of seal the light." the Disney mouse quoted, "Welp, we've got the keys. Now we find the ones to close the door."

"I'll do it!" I volunteered,

"Sorry Kath, but that jobs already taken... by someone else." Mickey replied,

"By who?" I asked,

Just then the ground rumbled again, stronger than before this time. The room filled with a blinding light and suddenly the cave around us changed. Now we were back in the many twists and turns of the realm of darkness. Up ahead I saw a large door almost 200 feet high, completely white except for the sparkling gems imbedded in its pillars.

But my eyes strayed down the white doorway to the people currently attempting to close the door. It was Sora, Donald and Goofy! They had made it! Sora must be the other key that Mickey had been talking about!

Cause of course, Sora was 'the fated child' as everyone clearly stated, I could barely keep the venom out of my voice even in my head! I didn't know why I was jealous of Sora, but I was.

Its because you had that key first, and the title 'fated child' belongs to Ventus'. The voice inside my head spoke for the first time in ages.

Oh I was wondering when you would decided to talk again, I bit back a sarcastic remark.

My mistake, I just came to tell you that someone your deeply connected to is nearby, and that they desperately need you right now, the voice explained.

Who?! I pleaded,

Instead of answering me, I suddenly found myself turning my head away from the door, looking deeper into the realm of darkness' many tunnels. I could just barely make out the form of Riku!

"Riku?!" I whispered,

Mickey and Aqua weren't paying much attention to me. Mickey was busy explaining about the door to Aqua so I figured I could probably slip away and go meet up with Riku. But just then Mickey spoke and this time he grabbed my attention.

Raising the keyblade of darkness in the air Mickey spoke, "It's time. With this key and Sora's in the realm of light, we're gonna close this door. Now, all we need is Riku."

Oh so Riku was the heart on the other side of the door....

"You couldn't have told me that sooner?" I muttered, already minutes away from fleeing this scene and running to the next.

"Sora, Riku." Aqua whispered, turning to look at me she noticed my inpatients to go see my other friends, "Go Kathy." she whispered, "I'll be right behind you."

I nodded, just at that moment I saw Riku come into view.

"That's everybody!" Mickey started,

But I didn't wait to hear what else he was going to say. I was racing towards the door before you could say 'Kingdom Hearts'. Running back to my new friends.

I thought I heard Mickey call out Aqua's name, but I knew she'd told me she was right behind me, so I wasn't worried. Right now I just wanted to make sure that Riku was ok.

Sora too, but you know, Sora's got his friends with him and Riku didn't have anyone. Also I was curious as to what had happened to Kairi. I'd have to ask Sora about that later. Once we closed the door, I could probably teleport Mickey, Aqua, Riku, and I back to the realm of light with Sora. So long as Sora and Kairi and Ven remained in the realm of light I could always find my way back there.

They were my new wayfinders to the realm of Light.

Author - We're nearing the homestretch now! There's probably only one chapter left til the end of the book! Comment your thoughts on the book so far!

Also I saved a surprise for the end, I hope you'll enjoy it!

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