Chapter 5: Shadows of Darkness

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After we had all returned to the main land, Riku asked if I would like to stay at his house tonight. I saw no reason not to, and both Kairi and Sora were pushing for me to accept the invitation. So I accepted.

"See you tomorrow, Sora, Kairi!" I waved goodbye to my to other friends, as they headed off towards Sora's house. (I had already grabbed all the things I needed for sleeping over at Riku's.)

"Bye! See you tomorrow!" Sora and Kairi shouted back, before Sora grabbed Kairi's hand and practically dragged her towards his house.

"Are your parents gonna be home tonight?" I asked my silver haired friend,

"No." he replied,

"Oh... Is that why you asked me over?" I wondered,

"Yeah, it gets pretty lonely there.." Riku sighed,

"Its alright, I don't mind coming over. Give me a break from those two." I smiled,

Before long we made it to Riku's house. After getting settled in for the night I looked out the window and noticed a rather large storm brewing over Destiny Island.

That's not good, I thought, my thoughts were interrupted by Riku knocking on the door.

"Kathy, there's a storm over on Destiny Island, and we forgot to tie down the raft!" he explained, after I let him in.

"So, we gonna go try and tie it down before the storm gets any worse?" I asked,

"Yeah. Come with me, we'll pick up Kairi and Sora on our way there." he added,

I followed Riku out into the storm. It wasn't as bad on the main land, just some strong winds. I soon noticed that this was no ordinary storm. It looked familiar, to familiar. Riku and I rushed over to Sora's house, there we met Kairi at the door already dressed and ready to head out. She said that Sora was just starting to wake up and should be with us soon.

"We don't have time to wait for Sora. We need to get to the island now." Riku urged,

"I agree with Riku. Let's get going, Sora will catch up with us soon." I added,

Kairi looked doubtful but she followed us out into the storm anyway. By the time we got to the boats the wind had picked up, and I could now make out dark shapes falling from the sky over the island.

"It almost looks like dark rain." Kairi shivered,

"My thoughts exactly," I murmured,

"I'm sure its nothing." Riku assured us, "probably just looks black because its night."

Or because its actually raining darkness, I thought, Oh please don't let it be that!

Kairi hoped in her boat and started paddling furiously for the island. Riku jumped in his boat and helped me in. Once we were both in the boat Riku paddled after Kairi. It didn't take either of them long to get us to the island. As soon as the boats hit the beach Kairi, Riku, and I all jumped out.

"Now all we have to do is find the raft and tie it down." I yelled, trying to get my friends to hear my voice over the storm.

"Kairi, go see if you can find some rope in the secret place!" Riku shouted to Kairi,

She nodded before heading off in the direction of the cave. I have a bad feeling about this, I thought to myself,

"Kathy, can you wait here for Sora?" Riku asked, "I'm gonna go look for the raft."

"Ok, but where do I take Sora when he gets here?" I yelled, but Riku was already to far away to hear me.

The storm had gotten much worse, the ocean around the island looked like a kraken was stirring it up. '

Sora, where are you?' I accidentally linked with Sora and sent him a message without realizing it,

'Wait, Kathy? Is that you? How can I hear you in my head? Where are you? Where's Kairi?' Sora's confused voice filtered in through my raging headache,

'Sora! Riku, Kairi, and I are on the Island. We're trying to save the raft, get here as fast as possible but be careful, the storms getting really bad.' I warned,

'On my way!' was Sora's cheerful reply,

I smiled to myself, No matter where that kid goes, he always puts a smile on people's faces whenever they see him.

It took a few more minutes before I finally spotted Sora on his little paddle boat coming towards me. Somehow, Sora managed to land the boat without spilling himself into the churning waters.

"You made it!" I cried,

"Yeah, sorry for the delay." Sora apologized, looking around, "Where are Kairi and Riku? I thought you said they were with you."

"I said they were helping tie down the raft, not that they were with me! Kairi's in the secret place looking for some rope, and Riku's out searching for the raft." I explained,

"Oh! I'll go join Kairi, you go find Riku." Sora ordered,

Normally I wouldn't take orders from Sora, but what he had just said was exactly what I was thinking, so I made an exception.

"Right away sir!" I mock saluted him, before running off in the direction I had seen Riku take.

Riku! Come on where are you? I shouted inside my head, I never should've let him go off alone!

Suddenly some small shadowy bunnies with bright yellow eyes popped up in front of me.

"Woah!! What are you? Get out of my way!" I shouted at them, summoning my keyblade, which looked different.

But I didn't have long to muse over why my keyblade looked different. As those creatures started mulitpling!

"Ok, are you guys like some sort of dark bunnies or something?" I asked them, knowing I wouldn't get an answer.

I started destroying them with my keyblade and I noticed how every tine I killed a 'dark bunny' a pink heart would float up in the sky from where I had just killed it.

So these guys are clearly not unversed, I muttered, Whatever they are, their a new threat to the worlds! I continued destroying those things right and left. But there were just to many of them!

It wasn't long before I found myself falling into darkness once more. My last thought before the darkness over took me was, Sora I hope you had better luck than me!

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