Chapter 9: Decisions

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Riku ran into the room just as closed my dairy and slid it back into my pocket along with my wayfinder.

"There you are Kathy. I've been calling for you." Riku looked around the room as if searching for something, "What were you doing?" he asks curiously,

"I was writing in my diary." I explained, "Now, what was it you were calling me for?"

"There's a beast near the castle. Maleficent wants us to take care of it." he explains,

"Well? What are we waiting for? Race ya!" I call out, quickly running out the door, Riku not far behind me.

We reached the entrance/exit where the beast was with me only slightly ahead of Riku. Which made me the winner.

"No fair! You got a head start." Riku complained,

"And if you always didn't have a head start then you'll never learn how to catch up to an opponent with on." I retorted,

Riku didn't have an answer for that one. I could hear the sounds of the water falls around us falling peacefully. Or as peaceful as it could get crashing down like 300 feet. Suddenly the mostly peaceful quietness was shattered by a creature roaring in what seemed like pain.

"Where is it?" I asked, looking around,

"There!" Riku pointed to a hunched over creature near the archway which led to the floating ice stair case.

I summoned my keyblade and looked in surprise when Riku also summoned one.

"So you discovered how to summon your keyblade?" I inquired,

"Huh? No, this thing always just appears whenever I need it." Riku looked surprised, "Your saying its a keyblade?"

I sighed, "Never mind then... Let's just get this over with."

As Riku and I slipped behind the creature I saw it kind of looked like the Beast from Beauty and the Beast. Then again, I had seen many princesses from many different fairytales in my adventures. Once Riku and I were in range of the beast Riku tried to get some information from it.

"No vessel, no help from the Heartless... So tell me, how'd you get here?" he asked,

The beast growled then turned to look at us, "I simply believed. Nothing more to it. When our world fell into darkness, Belle was taken from me. I vowed I would find her again no matter what the cost. I believed I would find her. So, here I am. She must be here. I will have her back!" he growled menacingly,

So he really is the beast from Beauty and the Beast....

"Take her, if you can!" Riku challenged him,

The beast roared and leap at Riku. It swiped at him with its sharp claws, but Riku fliped backward, dodging the attack completely. The beast's cloak settles to his side as Riku lands on his feet. With lightning speed, Riku charges forward at the beast. As soon as his blade came in contact with the beast it let out a stinging roar.

Why am I even here again? Riku took care of that thing on his own.

Just as the beast let out his pitiful roar a voice yelled out, "Stop!!"

I turned to see Sora and his two companions from earlier.

"Took you long enough." I muttered,

Riku stood back up and turned to see Sora and his companions, "So, you finally made it. About time. I've been waiting for you. We've always been rivals, haven't we? You've always pushed me as I've always pushed you."

"Riku..." Sora started, but his silver haired friend wasn't done.

"But it all ends here. There can't be two Keyblade masters." the silvernette remarked,

"Huh? What do you mean?" Sora looked just as confused as I felt.

What was Riku talking about?! There's always more than one keyblade master! Both Master Eraqus and Master Xehanort were both masters at the same time! So was Aqua!

"Let the keyblade choose.... its true master!" Riku yelled holding out his hand,

Sora's keyblade suddenly appeared in his hand but he clearly had not summoned it. Then the keyblade began to forcibly pull itself from Sora's hand til it dissolved in light and reappeared in Riku's hand.

"Huh! What?!" Donald and Goofy gasped,

"What?!" I breathed, "How?!".

I didn't even know it was possible to take a keyblade from someone!

But Sora got your keyblade, the voice inside me projected, so you shouldn't be that surprised.

Yeah, but I got a different one, I retorted, How do you explain that?

The voice had no reply to this, so I turned my gaze back to the spectacle in front of me.

"Maleficent was right. You don't have what it takes to save Kairi. It's up to me. Only the Keyblade master can open the secret door, and change the world." Riku declares,

Of course that witch is behind all this, and of course this is all about Kairi again! Seriously, those two bicker over her way to much when its clear she's already chosen Sora!

"But that's impossible. How did this happen? I'm the one who fought my way here with the Keyblade!" Sora exclaims,

"You were just the delivery boy." Riku scoffs, he then dispels the keyblade and pulls out a wooden sword instead, "Sorry, your part's over now. Here. Go play hero with this." he smirks, tossing the wodden sword to Sora.

The brunett sinks onto his knees in defeat as Riku leaves. I debated whether I should follow Riku to keep an eye on him so he didn't do anything stupid or should I try and help Sora by telling him he could get the keyblade back.

Ugh! Its so hard to decided!!! I internally screamed, What should I do?!

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