Chapter 14: Memories

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Author - This chapter is the second half of 'Chapter 10: Night of the Rainstorm'. It may seem a little confusing that I put it in right here but it will all make sense in the end (hopefully).

So without farther ado, let's start!

Kathy's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of quiet footsteps walking past the door. I sat up and looked around. It took me a moment to remember where I was and what all had happened. I was at Riku's house, Sora's mom had called and asked if I could stay since there had been a rather large rainstorm going on at the time.

Since Riku and I were the only one's in the house currently, that meant it must've been Riku I heard walk past the door. Looking at the clock I realized it was only 2 in the morning.

What is he doing up at 2 am in the morning? I wondered, sighing I decided it wouldn't hurt to check up on him, and make sure he was ok and not sleepwalking or something.

I quickly threw off the covers of the bed and hoped down. Walking over to the door I opened it quietly. Stepping out of the room I looked around the dark hallway, looking for any sign of my silver haired friend. As I crept out of the room I'd been sleeping in I felt a soft breeze blow past me.

Wait a second, how is there are breeze indoors? A window must be opened, I thought, Walking over towards the windows. But just at that moment I remembered the balcony.

Right! The balcony, duh! Why am I always so stupid? I ranted to myself, walking over to the balcony I noticed the doors were open. Thinking they had just blown open during the storm I went to close them before I noticed Riku standing on the balcony looking out at the night sky, which was full of stars.

Instead of heading back to bed, like I should've done, I headed out onto the balcony as well. Slipping through the doors quietly I walked over to stand next to Riku, who was leaning on the still wet railing.

"You couldn't sleep either?" Riku asked, noticing my presence.

"I kinda just woke up." I murmured,

Looking up at the millions of stars, I remembered when Ven asked Aqua what the stars were and how Terra explained it.

~ flashback ~

"Hey Aqua." Ven asked,

"Hmm?" Aqua looked at Ven, waiting for his question.

"Do you ever wonder what stars are? Where light comes from?" the blonde asked,

Aqua thought for a moment before answering, "Hmm, well they say.." she started,

"That every star is another world." Terra finished for her, appearing behind the three of us.

"Terra!" Aqua and I called out, I moved over from my seat next Ven so Terra could sit with us.

"Yep, hard to believe there are so many worlds out there besides our own." Terra continued, "The light is their hearts. And its shining down on us like a million lanterns."

"What? I don't get it." Ven exclaimed, standing up.

"In other words, their just like you Ven." the brunette replied, only confusing the blonde even more.

"What does that mean?" Ven inquired, looking more confused by the minute.

"You'll find out someday I'm sure." Terra assured him,

"I wanna know now!" Ven yelled, stomping his foot down in frustration.

"Your to young to know!" Terra corrected him,

At that Aqua and I started laughing. I tried to control my laughter but it was to much, and then Aqua started laughing, so the two of us were soon doubling over in laughter, which caused Terra and Ven to give us confused looks, and draw their attention back to us.

"Hey, what are you two laughing about?" Terra wanted to know,

"Its just that...." I started to say, but couldn't finish due to my laughter.

"-You two would make the weirdest brothers!" Aqua finished, still giggling herself.

"Weirdist bothers but the best of friends." I added,

Ven looked super confused, while Terra himself looked kind of lost. But after a few minutes they joined in on our laughter.

~ flashback ended ~

I smiled as the memory ended. Looking up at the stars always reminded me of my friends, and the happy memories we had shared together. I frowned suddenly remembering we may never be able to share happy moments with each other ever again. Riku noticed my sudden change in demeanor and decided to ask me something.

"Is there a reason why every time I see you watching the stars, you always look happy at first, but then later sad?" the silvernette questioned,

I sighed deeply, "Looking at the stars reminds me of times I spent with my first friends, Terra, Aqua, and Ven, in the Land of Departure." I explained, "Its just... now that all three of them are gone, I may never see them again. And that's what makes me sad." I finished, my voice dropping to a whisper as I said the last part.

Riku listened closely to all I said. Only after I finished did he say anything.

"Terra..." he whispered, "Was that the guy you were with? Back when we first met? When I was four."

"Yeah, that's Terra." I replied,

I wanted to say, 'he was the one who bequeathed you a keyblade' but I hadn't seen Riku summon a keyblade yet, so better not say anything about it unless something happened that would induce that question. I looked back at Riku, who was looking out over the sea towards Destiny Island.

"Beautiful isn't it?" I whispered, looking at the way the moonlight sparkled off the sea.

"What?" Riku asked, looking up.

"The moonlight. And the way it sparkles across the sea." I replied,

Riku shrugged, "I've seen it a million times."

"Its still pretty." I declared,

"Not as beautiful as you."

My breath caught in my throat, "I'm not that pretty." I muttered, looking back up at the stars.

Riku didn't say anything, so I remained quiet as well. The two of us stayed there, watching the stars and the way the moonlight played on the waves until the sun rose. Chasing away the bright stars and the pretty moonlight, painting the sky with its pink and orange rays.

Letting this world know, that dawn had arrived.

Author - And that wraps up this memory! What'd you guys think? (did you see what I did with that ending there?) 

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