Chapter 10: Night of the Rainstorm

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Author - I thought we'd do something a little different for this chapter. For this chapter we're gonna go all the way back a few days to when Kathy and the Destiny trio were still on Destiny Island.

For a little background on this story, Kathy just woke up a few days before and has been spending her days playing on Destiny Island with Sora, Riku, and Kairi. At night she stays at Sora's house along with Sora himself and Kairi.

But one night, while visiting Riku at his house a rainstorm suddenly came on. Sora's mother called Riku and asked if Kathy could spend the night at his house. Sora and Kairi were still at Sora's house as they had left a bit earlier. And here is where our story begins.

Kathy's P.O.V.

I was sitting on the couch in the living room of Riku's house when I heard him on the phone with someone in the kitchen. I tried my best not to listen to the conversation which was not easy I can tell you that.

Instead I listened to the rain pouring down outside and contemplated how Kingdom Hearts was I going to get back to Sora's house in that down pour. Just as I was considering getting up and leaving Riku finished his phone call.

"That was Sora's mom." he informed me, "She asked if you could spend the night here."

"Oh, and you said?" I prompted,

"I said it was fine. My parents won't be home tonight anyway." Riku replied, flopping down on the couch beside me, "Which means we have the whole house to ourselves."

"Feels like that happens a lot to you." I smirked, "Are your parents ever home?"

"Sometimes." Riku shrugged, "Not often though."

"Where do they go?" I inquired,

"Who knows. They never tell me." the silvernet answered, staring out the window behind us at the rain.

All was quiet for a few minutes as we listened to the sound of the rain pattering down on the roof outside.

Normally Sora and Kairi were the one's who did the talking. Riku usually only talked if he was arguing a point with Sora or correcting him on something. I only talked if someone asked a question of me, or if something totally random in their conversation spiked my interest enough to contribute.

So the two of us sat there quietly watching the rain as it fell down in rivulets down the window pane.

"So...." I started, trying to pull up a conversation, "You wanna do something? Or should we just go to bed now?"

"Whatever you want." Riku shrugged,

"I guess I'm feeling a little tired. Might as well turn in." I replied,

"Ok. You'll be sleeping in the guest room. Its right next to my room." Riku informed me, standing up.

"Alright, can you show me where the room is?" I asked,

"Sure." Riku answered, walking towards a set of steps that led farther up, "its right up this way."

As I followed Riku up the stairs I couldn't help but remember when I had first arrived at the Land of Departure. How Aqua and Terra had led me to one of the spare rooms and how I ended up trying to sleep by myself, but was plagued with nightmares. Eventually I went to Aqua's room and slept with her. Ever since then I had always slept with someone. I hoped I wouldn't regret staying here.

Maybe now that I'm a little older it won't be as bad, I hoped.

When Riku and I reached the landing point I saw ahead of me several doors on one side of the hallway and a pair of sliding doors led to a balcony on the other side. Riku stopped in front of the middle door.

"This is our guest bedroom." he said, opening the door, "We don't use it much. Since its usually only me here."

As I walked in I noted the grey walls and wooden floors looked surprisingly clean for a room that wasn't used often. There was a bed in the far corner with white sheets and a dark blue pillow propped up on one side. There was also a digital clock sitting on a small wooden desk across from the room. The clock read 9:30, and a small red dot in the corner told me it was pm. Plus the fact that it was dark outside also told me that, but not that it mattered since it was raining anyway.

"If you need anything I'll be in my room." Riku stated, leaning against the doorway, watching me as I walked around the room.

"Ok, thanks for letting me stay here." I replied,

"Don't mention it." Riku answered, "Besides, not like anyone else stays here anymore."

"Don't your parents stay here every now and then?" I inquired,

"They don't care about this place." the silvernet scoffed, "My parents are only ever here maybe a total of once a week."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know." I whispered, walking over and sitting on the bed.

"Well, guess you're turning in now. Night, Kathy." Riku responded, moving from his position against the door post.

"Night Riku. See you in the morning." I answered, climbing into the bed and closing my eyes.

I heard Riku shut the door softly and walk away. The sounds of the storm had all but ceased, except for the occasional 'drip drop' sound of rain falling off the roof.

Guess I'd better go to sleep then. I figured, laying back down and closing my eyes.

Praying for sleep to come.

Author - That turned out so well, I'm going to have to write a second half! 

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