"Now tell me your name again love."

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"Damn girl will you loosen up." Karma seethed through clenched teeth before nudging me in the side with her ashy elbow.

"I'm loose." I lied nudging her back. Truth be told I was ready to go home. My bed was there. My Pooh bear was there. My head was there. I was ready to go got dammit.

But I had agreed to hang out with my twin tonight under one condition. Which was Karma get off my back for a while for not going out like I used to.

I used to be a party girl. But that was in my past. I was a business woman now. And had a lot on my plate. I couldn't hang out like I used to and Karma just didn't understand where I was currently in my life.

I was about to graduate from university and my business was reaching peaks I couldn't imagine from where I started. It was all finally starting to fall into place. My life. My career. My purpose. All of it. Finally coming together.

It felt as beautiful as it sounded but it also required a lot of me. I had to trade in my nights out for nights up. Crunching figures, counting inventory, and providing customer service. Sleeping in turned into getting up with the sun.

I was so close to getting where I always wanted to be that I could almost taste it. Which sometimes left a bittersweet taste in my mouth if thought about for too long. I couldn't afford to fuck up now. Not when I was so close.

With that being said I had to sacrifice a lot of my personal life to focus on my growing business. I'll admit I had neglected my friendships lately. Not because I didn't love each and every one of them. But because I had to stay focused. I had come too far to mess up now.

Karma was my best friend. I called her my twin because we hung out so much people swear we started looking alike. She was still very much a party girl. I swear she knew everyone and everyone knew her. She was actually a good friend to have. She was very supportive and helpful. She even introduced me to my first investor. And for that I was very much thankful.

Oddly enough her helping me turned my situation around so swiftly that I had to get serious about my future immediately. Which meant less hanging out and more working. The busier I got the less of Karma I saw. And we both hated it. But we both understood the why.

When she called me tonight and asked me if I wanted to go to this party with her everything in me wanted to say no but I couldn't. I had scheduled a free night for myself for the first time in months because not only was it deserved but needed. But unlike other nights when she'd call and ask, tonight I had no real reason to decline. So now here I am.

In a unfamiliar home in the hills attending a house party when all I want to do was snuggle up with my dog Pooh bear and go to sleep.

"There he is!" Karma squealed. Getting very excited very quickly. "How do I look?" She quizzes rubbing her hands down the sides of her dress and shaking her hair behind her shoulders.

"You look great." I admitted. Karma was gorgeous. And she looked nothing less than exceptional tonight.

"Alright I'm going over there." She declared. Her eyes settling on her target. "But what if he rejects me." She whined knowing damn well he wouldn't. Allowing her insecurities to get the best of her in that moment.

I took her shoulder and turned her sideways. Before playfully slapping her on her big ass and saying. "Lead with that." Causing us both to laugh. She knew like I knew that Drake couldn't resist a big booty. Whether it was attaches to a cutie or not.

Karma smirked as she playfully made her way over to him. Walking backwards and bumping into a few people in the process. We both giggled before she pulled herself together, turned around and made her move.

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