Fine-taine pt.2

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"Fontaine!" Chrisette screamed in her sleep. Awaking herself and probably half the block.

She sat up eagerly in bed. Pushing away her blanket as beads of sweat gathered at her forehead.

A nightmare. She was having a nightmare.

That checked out.

Because there was no other way to describe the vivid images flashing across her memory.

"Oh my god. I'm losing my mind." She bargained with herself. Pushing back her hair full of curls. She took a deep breath to calm herself.

Buzz Buzz!

"What tf is that?" She quizzed in confusion. Looking over at the night stand where she normally left her phone to charge.

She hadn't set an alarm seeing as how it was Sunday and she had no where in particular to be.

"What tf is that?" She quizzed. Her eyes landing on a two way phone.

The same panic she'd felt in her sleep began to encompass her entire body. She sat frozen. As images of Fontaine sprawled across the gas station parking lot flooded her memory.

She tightly closed her eyes and roughly began to shake her head. This wasn't happening. Couldn't be. Last night wasn't real. Couldn't be.

There was no way she had seen what she thought she had seen and walked away from it.

She had witnessed a murder in plain sight. A public execution and some form of human hypnosis.

And those guys with the suits and glasses ... who were they? Was it them calling the phone? She wondered. The phone buzzing again as if someone had heard her thoughts.

She hesitated for a moment. Not sure whether or not to answer.

She didn't know Fontaine but figured there was someone in the word who cared about him. And wondering about his whereabouts.

And with that she figured they deserved to know what had happened to him right before her very eyes.

She pushed the covers away from her sweaty body. Throwing her legs over the opposite side of the bed and placing her feet into her favorite pair of fuzzy slippers. Taking a deep breath before rushing over to answer the phone while she still had enough nerve.

"Hello?" She said softly. It sounding more like a question than a greeting.

"Yeah. Hello." A familiar voice responded. Causing Chrisette to drop the phone from her hand as her eyes bulged from her head.

She stood in shock for a moment. There's no way. It couldn't be him.

She'd watched him be gun down and carted away like some sort of animal.

His body riddled with bullets. His eyes staring off into complete nothingness as blood seeped from the corners of his mouth.

He was dead.

There was no way he wasn't.

And even if by some miracle he had survived, there was no way he'd be in any condition to call anyone.

She briefly looked down at the phone before making her way over to her bedroom window. Cracking the blinds and landing eyes on her vehicle. Finding it parked outside in the driveway with the passenger side window shattered.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" Chrisette repeated over and over. Slowly backing away from her window. Tripping over the phone and landing bottom first on her own bed.

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