"If you just let me." - Jonathan Majors

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"I don't know a thing about these awards." I mumbled under my breath.

"What kind of screen writer would you be if you were to miss your first award show?" Raquel asked finally growing tired of my whining.

"I don't know why you want me to go so bad. It's not like I'm going to win anyway." I huffed.

"See that's that shit I be talking about." Raquel whipped. Stepping over to me and roughly pressing her index finger into my shoulder.

"Ow." I whined faking pain.

"You're always doubting yourself Bri." She added causing my head to fall in embarrassment.

She was right. A part of me didn't care about the awards or the fancy shows. But a bigger part of me feared losing.

"I wish I believed in me as much as you do." I whimpered. Placing my arms out for a hug. Which caused Raquel to quickly embrace me.

"Awww Bri. You got this shit." She boasted. "And when you win I want a shout out." She half joked causing us both to laugh.

"I got you girl." I said feeling a sudden rush of confidence.

"I wonder who's going to be presenting your award." She cooed.

"Me too." I said picking up my purse and following her out to the car.


"And the winner is ... Cabrini Thigpen!" Jonathan said sharply. Looking over into my direction. Our eyes locking for the first time tonight.

I could hear the crowd began to applause. I sat momentarily dazed as the spotlight quickly singled me out. Nearly blinding me as I allowed the feeling of accomplishment to resonate.

I slowly took to my feet. Raquel doing the same and hugging me before I headed toward the stage. Jonathan's eyes still on me as I made my way over to the stairs. Quickly realizing the dress I had worn would make it difficult for me to walk up them easily.

Jonathan running down them and placing his hand out for me to take. Me placing my hand in his as a sharp blast of electricity flashed through my body. A familiar feeling from him as he took my train into his other hand.

I took my place at the podium. Jonathan pulling my train so that the crowd could fully enjoy it. Him placing his hand on my lower back as he took to my side. Me looking over at him nervously as he nodded his head for me to speak.

"You got this." He mouthed with a quick wink. Giving me all the courage and support I needed to began my speech.


"Cabrini wait up!" Jonathan yelled behind me as we made our way backstage. "Damn girl. You sure can move in that dress." He joked taking my side. "Can we talk?" He asked leaving little to no room for small talk.

"Now?" I whispered. Not wanting anyone to overhear our exchange.

"Later?" He quizzed. Not giving a damn who heard us.

"Sure. That's fine." I rushed. Quickly turning to walk away. Causing him to grab my wrist softly.

I froze. There goes that electricity again. "Im staying at the Omni. Penthouse suite. Join me?" He stated, but it sounded more like a question.

"Same number?" Was all I could get out after turning towards him and staring deeply into his eyes.

He softly nodded his head yes. Allowing my wrist to fall from his grasp as I quickly walked away. Taking a moment to peer over my shoulder.

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