"You. Me. Us."

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I allowed the door to close loudly behind me. Eager to remove my now soaked trench coat from my shivering body.

My eyes easily falling on Jonathan as he slowly turned toward me. His shoulders shimmering under the moonlight. The room dimly lit by dozens of small white candles encased in red glass holders. Rose petals thrown about.

"I didn't think you'd come." He admitted. His tone soft and warm. I took a moment to appreciate the way his black wife beater hugged his torso. Accompanied by a thin gold chain. His legs wrapped in burgundy slacks tailored to fit him specifically.

"I probably shouldn't have." I admitted causing him to drop his head in what seemed like defeat.

"Well I'm glad you did." He added. Mindlessly fidgeting with the glass of half drunken whiskey in his hands. Before softly placing it aside.

I could tell he was nervous. Which for some reason or another soothed my own nerves.

"You look amazing." He whispered. Peering up into my eyes. Breaking me away from my regretful thoughts.

"Thank you." I whispered. Attempting to play it cool. However the smoldering gaze his eyes now had on my body made this simple task incomprehensibly difficult.

I tugged at the black skin tight dress that adorned my size 12 frame. Taking a moment to push my hair behind my ears.

"You remembered." The glimmer in his eyes evident.

"How could I forget?" I shrugged. Softly stepping further into the room.

I must admit I had found every reason imaginable not to come. But yet here I was. At our old spot.

"Shit." He spat. Now fidgeting with his fingers. "I don't know what to say."

I watched on as he slowly grew more and more unsure of himself as time passed. Purposely avoiding eye contact as I stared into the side of his face.

"I don't know. Maybe I'm sorry Britney is a nice place to start." I offered. Now standing only inches away from him.

The scent of his cologne dancing across the tip of my nose. His large frame towering over my own.

"And that I am." He said. His eyes finding mine for the second time tonight. "And I know this is no excuse but I felt like this was the only way to get your attention." He admitted. Causing me to softly roll my eyes in disappointment.

Jonathan and I had been going strong for almost two years now. After meeting on set of one of my first projects. A massive success might I add. One of many for him. One of few for me at the time.

I wasn't looking for love. In fact love was the farthest thing from my mind. But as we all know ... that's when it finds you.

I remember being nervous. This was potentially my big break. A major motion picture film. A-list cast included. I couldn't fuck this up.

However I was new blood and everybody knew it. And just like any other time I entered a new room I was sized up and tested right away.

But I was game. The same way I always had been. Didn't make the hazing anymore easy to deal with. However Jonathan did.

He was just so easy to talk to. So easy to like.

"Don't worry too much about it." He whispered from just behind me as our huddle ended.

I was struggling to hold back tears of embarrassment at the time.

Someone had orchestrated a team meeting and conveniently neglected to invite me. Now here I was lost and clueless. Completely unaware of the change in shooting and script that had occurred.

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