When A Man Loves A Woman

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"Just give me a second." I said pulling my lips away from hers. As we leaned against the front door of my home. 

"Are you sure your wife's not home?" Summer asked wrapping her arms around me from behind as I placed my key into the door. 

Softly opening it but due to my instability we both stammered inside. Us both laughing loudly before  I turned to her and placed my finger against my lips. "Shh." I whispered heading over to a nearby lamp. 

And turning it on. "Wait here." I said before heading off to check the bedroom. And as I suspected Autumn was no where to be found. 

She had probably run off to her mother's by now. 

"So?" Summer whispered as I returned to the living room. Slowly pulling away the jacket I wore and stepping into her. 

"She isn't here." I said placing my right palm against her left cheek and allowing my thumb to run across her plump pink bottom lip. 

A sharp breath leaving her body just before I leaned in to hungrily kiss her. "Are you sure about this?" She asked softly pulling away.

"Are you?" I countered looking deeply into her amber eyes. 

"What if she comes back?" She asked making her way past me. Sliding her right hand across my belt buckle. And taking a seat on the arm of a nearby sofa. 

"So what if she does." I said stepping into her yet again. Softly pushing her knees apart with one of mine before leaning over into her perfect face and placing her chin in my hand. "You can fight right?" I asked causing her to softly laugh before playfully pushing me away. 

"She don't want none of this." Summer admitted softly jabbing at the air. 

"Looks like you got a nice left jab." I said stepping back into her. "Good ... because my wife has a strong right." I said leaning over and gently placing my lips against hers. 

She slowly relaxed. Allowing my tongue to explore the back of her throat as she wrapped her arms around my muscular shoulders. 

I eagerly unbuckled my belt buckle before quickly unbuttoning and unzipping my slacks. Allowing them to gather at my ankles on the floor. As I took more of her into my mouth. 

Allowing my hands to roam up her thighs. Slowly pushing her dress up in the process. My hands finally settling at her hips as our kiss deepened. 

I suddenly pulled away. A small string of saliva still clinging to both our lips. 

Her lust filled eyes gazed into mine as I lowered myself to my knees. Swiftly pulling her to the very edge of the sofa arm and diving my head in between her legs. 

I eagerly placed my face into her her unrestricted area. No panties in sight. Throwing her thighs over my shoulders as I wrapped my lips around her lips. 

She moaned before leaning back to allow me more access. 

Placing one of her hands into my hair and the other behind her for stability. 

As I took my time exploring her center folds. Slowly and intentionally. 

Her digging her fingers into my scalp as my tongue reached her sweet spaces. 

Guiding me further into her universe with silent direction. 

And just as her legs began to quake I lifted. 

Running the back of my right hand against my mouth. A look of disbelief on her face as I stepped out of my slacks completely. 

"You can go home now." I said causing her eyes to bulge. 

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