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"Come on you stupid piece of sht!" I bargained as my car began to stall as I turned off the highway and neared a gas station located in The Glen.

"Bet you yo ass won't forget to fill your tank in the morning again!"  Moe joked. Hitting a nerve might I add. I was already frustrated.

The night had been slow. So I already felt as though I had wasted my time. And now to add the icing on a sht cake, my car had run out of gas in my old neighborhood. A place I tried my best to avoid these days.

"Not now Moe, please!" I growled into the phone just loud enough to let her know I was serious.

"I'm sorry baby cakes." She cooed. As I continued to guide my car into the gas station parking lot. "I guess it is wrong of me to find humor in your misery, but I can't help it." Moe added, before releasing a chuckle I could tell she had been holding in the entire time.

"Don't start." I warned. Already aware of what exactly it was she was getting at.

"I'm just saying ... all them times I had to get in your ass about not filing up my tank before I had class back in college finally catching up with that ass." Moe joked half seriously as I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Fck!" I yelled out before punching the horn in frustration. My car finally coming to a complete stop just a few yards away from the gas pump. "Great! Now I gotta push this mf!" I yelled into the phone.

Knowing Moe, her hand was probably plastered across her chest in fake shock. Something her dramatic ass did a lot most days. "And you in The Glen. I bet you it's a whole gang of nggas outside." I could tell she was smiling from ear to ear by her tone alone. "Any of them cute?" She quizzed. Causing me to look toward the entrance for the first time since I neared the gas station. Moe was spot on.

"Ewww. Nope." I said harshly. Not even giving the crew a once over. I had already seen enough.

"There you go thinking you better than everyone else again." Moe said allowing her tongue to smack the back of her teeth shortly after. "I can see you now. Face all turned up in disgust. Mugging folks." She scuffed.

Causing me to subconsciously relax my face. Which had in fact been scrunched up. "And tell me again why I should be walking around smiling at folks. Especially these nggas who have been watching me struggle to get my car over to the pump this whole time. All these nggas standing out here and not one of them has offered their assistance." I scuffed. Opening the driver's side door and stepping out in my six inch stilettos.

I positioned myself between the door and slowly began to guide my car towards the pump with all my strength. " You probably out there looking like She Hulk." Moe joked. "I wouldn't help yo ass either." She added. Causing me to realize I was wasting time and energy on the phone with her.

"Bye Moe." I said before stopping to pull the phone away from in between my right shoulder and ear.

"Wait! I was just playing!" Moe yelled loud enough that I could hear. "I hope you got yo gun with you!" She added just before I pressed my thumb against the end call button. Throwing my phone into the driver's seat and continuing to push my car toward the pump.

It was times like this I felt irresponsible. No AAA. No gas can. Not enough money to afford to buy one at the moment. No ngga to call for help. Just struggling.

The sht was embarrassing.

I'd fought like hell to make it out of The Glen. Hadn't landed too far away, but still.

I'd managed to be the first in my family to graduate from high school. And the first to go to college. Big feats for a woman like me from a place like where I came from.

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