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Part 2 John Boyega 

I closed the door quickly behind us as she made her way further into the room. Only stopping as she neared the bed. 

I watched closely as her shoulders relaxed. Her placing her small bag onto the floor. And looking over her shoulder at me. The sight of her bare back slowly rising and falling as she breathed quickly catching my attention. 

She slowly turned on her heels before looking me dead in the eyes and stepping out of them. Me slipping out of my shoes as well. Causing her to small smile. 

I unbuttoned my blazer and quickly pulled it off. Before snatching my shirt from its tucked position in my slacks. Roughly unbuttoning it and pulling it away. Leaving me standing there bare chest in a pair of slacks and dress socks. 

Her eyes roamed over my chest as her right hand reached for the straps of her gown. Slowly sliding them down her shoulders and pausing at her breast. My eyes narrowing in on her chest. "I might need a little help." She admitted causing me to quickly scurry over to her as she slowly turned her back to me. 

I took the zipper of her gown in between my fingers and slowly slid it down her back. Wondering how in the hell she had gotten it on by herself in the first place. "Thank you." She whispered as I took a step back. 

"You're welcome love." I said just as she slid the dress down her waist. Slowly stepping out of it. Revealing a small pair of black thongs. 

"I like the way you say that." She admitted catching me off guard.

"Say what?" I quizzed allowing my eyes to roam over her back side as my member quickly awoke from it's light slumber. 

"Love." She said turning to face me and allowing her arms to fall to her sides. 

I froze as she made her way over to me. Placing her finger against my lips just as I was about to attempt to speak. 

She allowed her finger to travel down my pouty lips and across the crook of my neck before sliding it down the center of my chest and to my belt buckle. Quickly placing her hand around it and jerking me closer to her. 

I softly stumbled into her which caused us both to giggle. Her now being a couple of inches shorter than me that she was out of heels. 

She looked up into my face as she unbuckled my belt. Swiftly unlatching it as if this were some sort of bar trick she had done more than once. I softly chuckled. Placing my hands into her head full of black coils which she had pinned into a bun for the evening. 

Softly pulling them away and allowing her hair to fall into it's rightful place as she unbuttoned my slacks and unzipped them. Her stepping back just as her crown took it's place. Me peering down into her face for a moment. "You are so beautiful." I admitted honestly. Placing the palm of my right hand against her face. 

"Thank you." She whispered practically blushing into it. 

"No. Thank you." I said caught in her beauty. In her aura. The sight of her natural hair and bronzed skin humbling me. Regardless of who the world thought I was I always found myself quickly humbled under the presence of a beautiful natural black queen. 

She gazed into my eyes. A fire now lit in hers that wasn't there the moment before. She quickly tugged at my slacks causing them to fall and gather at my feet. Her taking to her knees. Her eyes now focused on my throbbing member. Which lie just beyond the restraints of my Versace briefs. 

She wrapped her small fingers around the band and roughly pulled them down. My dick springing up as if it had been called down next for the price is right. She smiled as her eyes took all of me in. "Wow." She mouthed looking at it from both sides like a lion planning an attack on it's prey. Causing me to close my eyes and say a quick prayer. It had been quite some time since the last time I had sex. 

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