"F*ck yo hair."

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John Boyega

"There she is!" I gushed walking into the hair and makeup trailer as soon as I laid eyes on Tiffany.

"John!" She squealed before hunching her shoulders in a child like manor. Meeting my stride as I extended my arms to embrace her petite frame.

"I missed you lots." I said gently pulling her into my chest as her thin arms wrapped around my waist.

"I missed you too John!" She squealed laying her head full of wavy brown hair against my chest. Tiffany and I had worked together on many occasions. So much so that I considered her more of a friend than a co-worker.

We were supposed to be working together on the set of my latest project but unfortunately due to personal family issues Tiffany wouldn't be able to permanently join us. She had only come today to train Bitchy on a few things she was struggling with.

"And there she is." I said with the driest voice I could muster up. "How are you today Brittany?" I asked against my better judgement.

"What's up John." She said never taking the time to look up at me from her phone. Let alone answer my question. Although I was sure I already knew the answer. It had to be absolutely fucking miserable. What other reason would a woman like her have to be so unbelievably rude and nasty for all the time?

It was as if she woke up with the sole intention of ruining every other person she came into contact with day. The nurse must have heard her mother wrong the day she was named. Her mother had to have said Bitchy which sounds an awful lot like Brittany. So I can understand the confusion.

"Great." I said slapping my hands together and heading toward the chair.

I glanced at Brittany from the giant mirror on the wall before me. She placed her phone into her back pocket and stepped forward as Tiffany side eyed me from same mirror. 

"John." Tiffany mouthed. "Be nice." She added. I playfully rolled my eyes at her request. I was nice. I was always nice ... or at least at first. Especially to women. But this Bitchy girl. She was a different breed of bitch. And bitch wasn't a term I threw around lightly by any means. But her attitude was so bad. Like for fucks sake. 

She's literally gone out of her way to be rude with me from the very start. It was almost as if I had come across her before ... unbeknownst to me of course. And perhaps rubbed her the wrong way. But to my knowledge I didn't know her from a whole in the wall and with that being said I didn't quite understand the disfunction in our relationship. Or lack there of for that matter. 

"So I guess we'll get right to it." Tiffany said as I pulled my phone from my pocket. It was very early in the morning and seeing as how I had almost over slept I didn't quite have the time to go through any text I had missed from the night before and this morning. 

I small smiled as I noticed a sweet text from my mother. Wishing me a successful work day and telling me that per usual she was going to pray for me before bed. God I loved that woman. And I didn't know where I'd be without her prayers. 

I quickly typed a response just before Tiffany took a handful of my hair into her hand. Causing my shoulders to rise in discomfort. Granted I had been growing my hair out for a while I had still yet to get used to getting it done. I was what Bitchy would call "Tender headed". 

"You've barely even touched him and already he's flinching." Bitchy said causing me to mug her from the mirror. She giggled a bit to her self before realizing I was starring at her from the mirror. Our eyes locked for a moment and she quickly straightened her face. Mostly anyway.

"Well Brittany how long have you been getting your hair done?" Tiffany asked softly placing a comb to my scalp and parting my hair down the middle. 

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