"You pretty tho!" -Nardo Wick

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"Cut!" Noluvmar yelled in frustration. "Everybody take fifteen!" He added before blowing past me and making his way into his dressing room.

"Sht!" I whisper yelled as Keyz made her way over to me.

"Relax. Relax." She repeated. Taking my shoulders into her hands and gently rubbing them.

This was a disaster. I knew I should've never let Greg hold auditions without me.

I mean this guy was turning down girls quicker than a Muslim turns down pork.

They could barely even say hi to him before the word 'no' left his mouth.

How in the hell were we going to get forty five minutes of footage from this shoot if this is how things were going?

"I'm going to get fired. I'm going to get fired." I repeated nervously. Pacing softly as the production team tended to the girls, Nardo and his camp.

"You are not going to get fired." Keyz said. Attempting to comfort me in my moment of despair. "I mean somebody is definitely getting fired." She added causing the pace of my pacing to increase. "But it won't be you." She assured. Forcefully taking me by the shoulders and halting my stride.

"Atlanta's finest? Atlanta's finest?!" I yelled causing some of the girls who were kept for the next round to throw shady looks my way. "Half of these btches ain't even from here!" I quipped. Stomping my heel in the process.

"I know. I know." Keyz repeated. Looking over the bunch in disbelief herself. "You should've never let Greg hold auditions by himself."

"I should've never let Greg hold auditions by himself." I said almost in unison with her.

"But don't fret! He liked a few of them. The world has not ended." Keyz added. Placing her arm around my shoulders and turning us towards the gang.

"Who does this kid think he is anyway?" I quizzed turning to face Keyz. "He couldn't touch half of these women if he wasn't famous." I added. Attempting to soothe my own worries.

"Well this kid is rich and very famous. And to be fair he seems quite humble. He hasn't gone out of his way to make any of the girls feel bad. Maybe he just knows his type." Keyz added. Causing me for the first time all afternoon to glance in his direction. Only to find him staring directly at me. Unapologetically.

"A hard no and a you look pretty though is a soft turn down these days?" I quizzed. Turning into Keyz but ultimately peaking over my shoulder once more. He was still staring.

"Compared to how some nggas act when they get on this set. Yes." Keyz laughed causing me to laugh too. "At least he seems personable. He's handing out compliments left and right. I mean most nggas wouldn't even care enough to do that." Keyz added.

"That's true." I admitted. Knowing very damn well how rude some of our favorite celebrities could be. "But he's literally turning away everybody. We paid him good money to come here. I don't know." I voiced. Struggling with the idea of confronting him.

"I already know what you're thinking. And I'm not trying to talk you down. But just be mindful that our livelihood is on the line here!" Keyz snapped. As I pulled away from her embrace and headed toward the unknown. Keyz softly grabbing at my wrist only to have her hand swatted away.

"That's close enough." His body guard warned as I neared him. I took a step back before giving him the one over.

"She good!" Nardo called out from just behind the over grown negro with no neck.

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