Any time, Any place

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"You okay?" Jonathan asked shortly after closing the door.

"I'm fine really." I said pulling off my now broken set of heels. Taking a moment to mow over the damage to both myself and the shoes.

I had managed to break my heel and skin my knee after falling outside. While both Jonathan and I attempted to navigate through the rain and paparazzi.

I closed my eyes for a moment as the way my breath became hitched in my throat when he picked me up off the ground so effortlessly replayed in my head.

"Sure is crazy out there." He added pulling away his soaked coat. A thin white tee clinging to his well formed chest, biceps and abs.

I could feel my heartbeat begin to race. "Thank you." I said for the first time.

They way he quickly swooped in to save me from embarrassment had been much appreciated. Him quickly blocking the paparazzi from taking pictures of my fall and scooping me into his chest was more than admirable.

"Any time." He said with a wink. Hanging his wet coat on the back of a nearby chair. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked again. His eyes focusing in on my busted knee.

"It looks worse than it feels." I lied. Hobbling over to a nearby chair.

"We should clean that." He mumbled. His eyes searching the room for supplies. Him quickly finding soap, paper towels and water at a nearby sink.

He quickly lathered a paper towel with soap and water. Before kneeling before me. Taking my knee into his huge hands and gently wiping away the blood and gravel.

"Ow." I whined. Causing him to soften his touch.

"That's better." He declared after doing a damn good job of cleaning my wound. Softly sitting back onto the heels of his feet. And grinning into my face.

Our eyes locking for a moment.

Something about having him kneel before me sent chills up my spine and down my legs.

"Where is everyone?" I quizzed attempting to break the small amount of tension us briefly locking eyes had created.

Eagerly looking into the frosted glass windows as if I'd be able to make out the journalists who were supposed to interview us. Seeing nothing but shadows of what I assumed were the same paparazzi who followed us here.

"Guess we're not late after all." He said looking deeply into my eyes. His pupils burning holes into mine. A clash of thunder and lightning quickly illuminating the dimly lit room. Just long enough for me to notice a hint of lust in his.

"Jonathan no." I giggled as he placed his hands onto my calves. Separating my legs. And crawling in between them. His hands sliding up my thighs as he pushed up my dress.

"Why is it always Jonathan no and never Jonathan yes?" He quizzed. Grabbing at the small pair of black lace thongs I'd worn underneath.

"What are you doing?" I forced through clenched teeth. "You do know they can practically see us?" I quizzed wrapping my small hands around his thick wrist in a weak attempt to fight him off.

"Let them see." He growled easily snatching them away.

"I thought we agreed that was just one time." I whispered leaning over into his face. "What about your girlfriend?" I quizzed growing easily frustrated with this situation.

Jonathan and I had both starred in the latest blockbuster. A dream come true. For me at least.

I'd been dying to work with him. And had even openly spoken about having a crush on him. But never thought anything would come of it.

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