"I trust you."- Michael B.

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"Michael please."  Jenesis seethed before turning to walk away from him. Only to have him quickly grab her arm in protest.

"No for real. Who is this clown?" Michael quizzed. Grabbing her arm a bit harder than intended.

"It don't matter who he is Michael. Just that he's not you!" She spat before swiftly pulling her arm away.

She attempted to reenter the doors the two had just passed through, but Michael was adamant that the two finish this conversation outside. Grabbing her by the waist and pulling her into his chest.

"Why'd you bring him here?" Michael whispered as Jenesis struggled to pull away from the hold he had on her waist.

"Michael you're drunk!" She spat. Placing her hand against his chest and softly pushing him away. "If you want to talk to me about anything ... sober up first." She bargained. Causing Michael to roll his tongue across the back of his teeth in frustration.

"I'm not drunk. I'm good." He offered. Granted he'd had more than a few drinks. More so after seeing his ex walk into his birthday party with a new man on her arm.

"You really wanna go that route." Jenesis countered. Knowing damn well Michael had reached his limit. A while ago.

"Alright. Alright." He whined playfully. Hoping to ease the tension that had easily filled the air between the two. "I might be a little tipsy ..." He finally admitted. "But I'm not coming to you from a place of drunkenness." He said sternly. Causing Jenesis' eyes to soften. "You think it's easy to come to you right now?" He quizzed throwing his hands into the air. And stepping away.

Jenesis turned to find Michael's back to her. His broad shoulders heaved in frustration.

She wanted to walk away. Walk back into the party and forget that what was happening now had ever even happened.

But walking away from Michael had always been easier said than done.

And to be completely honest she knew what she'd do to him by showing up to his birthday party with another man on her arm. The fact of the matter was that she just didn't care.

The two had been in an exclusive and committed relationship for well over a year.

She'd met him in passing one night at an event and the two had been inseparable ever since.

Easily falling in love. Almost without effort from either party. They just clicked that way.

She'd found herself cautious at first. Seeing as who Michael was. And Jenesis knew very well the complexities of dating men of Michael's stature.

They had options. And would be damned if they let you forget it.

But Jenesis was different. She wasn't easily intimidated. And she knew she also had options. So she'd never let a man place insecurities in her spirit.

But surprisingly Michael wasn't like that. Imagine her surprise when she realized Michael was exactly who he portrayed himself to be.

Smart, loving and kind. Humble, confident and charming. And the list goes on.

The question was never how could she fall for a man like Michael. The question was how could she not.

The two had been going strong for a while. That was up until recent.

Jenesis had went out with a group of friends one night. Drinking and bar hopping after they practically begged her to go.

The gang feeling neglected since work and Michael took up most of her time.

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