Do 4 Love - Nardo Wick

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"Ok. Now run the play back to me one more time." EZ requested for the umpteenth time.

"Nah ngga. I got it. I got it." I said dismissively. "Y'all nggas just make sure y'all where y'all supposed to be at, the time y'all supposed to be there." I said roughly before disconnecting the call abruptly.

I glanced over myself in the mirror once more as the phone in my hands began to softly vibrate. Due to multiple notifications.

👍🏽 - EZ

I'm outside. - Nardo

"Mr. Nardo you may not be the sharpest tool in the shed ... but at least you pretty tho." I said aloud. Thinking about how nice my cut would be for setting this lil ngga up.

I walked out of my air bnb into the night's cold brisk air. Rubbing my hands up and down my arms as the thin hairs on them raised.

My eyes landing on a matte black apocalypse hellfire super truck just as the driver's side window rolled down.

Nardo smiling widely as he took in the blood red tight fitted dress I had chosen for the night. Accompanied by nude colored stiletto red bottoms.

"Sheesh!" Nardo called out. Exiting the vehicle and making his way over to me.

He was dressed in all black. Something that seemed to be a theme for him.

However this time instead of a fitted white tee, black joggers, black Celine hoodie and black & white Jordans; He wore black fitted slacks, a black button up and a black blazer. Accompanied by a pair of black red bottom tennis shoes. His neck covered in the same amount of diamonds as during filming.

"Take this." He said removing his blazer and wrapping it around my shoulders before I could object. He lowered his face to my level. Rubbing his hands up and down my arms in an attempt to warm me up. The scent of him filling my nose as he did so.

"What? You're not going to insist I go back in and grab a jacket." I half joked.

"Nah." He said flatly. Softly chewing on a stick of gum. "I know how you women can be about your outfit." He admitted with a chuckle. Causing me to softly laugh in response. Him taking me by the waist and leading me over to the passenger side of his vehicle.

I took a step back as he opened the door for me. Gesturing for me to take his hand and enter the truck. Another wide smile encompassing his face.

I bashfully accepted his hand. Steadying one of my stilettos on the stairs of the truck. Only to have him firmly grip my waist and help me up.

I small smiled to myself as he reached over my shoulders. Swiftly connecting the seatbelt. Before gently closing the door behind me. Him never taking his eyes off of me as he made his way back over to the driver's side.

He was handsome. I'll admit that. And so far the way he was treating me gave top tier. But he was also young and flashy. And a bit of an asshole.

I don't know why it bothered me the way it did ... but it did. Him shamelessly flirting with me and both humbling in the same moment. But it had.

I watched on as he entered the vehicle. Him glancing over my entire body once more in full appreciation. "You ready?" He asked just before starting the engine. I simply smiled and nodded my head in return.

Watching him slowly pull off from the curb. One hand on the wheel and the other relaxed into his hip. I stared into his side profile for a moment. This ngga was even attractive from the side.

"What you looking at mama?" He quizzed. Never taking his eyes off the road.

"Oh nothing." I lied. Running my eyes over the interior of the truck.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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