CHAPTER 9 - Shape Shifter

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Hunter POV

I woke up to someone jumping on my stomach and screaming wake up, i sit up start couching as the person got off my stomach

"Sorry to do that but you wouldn't wake up, i really had no choice but to this, i need to go to school now so bye!!" Vee said running out the door, i had a grumpy face

I didn't really like Vee that much already since she acts just like Luz except she doesn't make me play dress up.... i hope...  

I get up from my bed and stretch my body, i go down stairs and i greet Ms. Camilia

"Good Morning Hunter." She said as she was writing a book, I then hear footsteps behind me

I hurt a thud so i was about to look but i was stopped by Ms. Noceda, "Hey don't worry that was just a book falling since Vee needs to go to school if you know what that means." She said as she was hiding something from me

She pushed me into the kitchen and was teaching me in how to make a sandwich, toast and coffee and i did burn my hand on the coffee... but i've felt much worser pain than before

After a few minutes of the teach i took a sandwich and went up my room to study Spanish, i heard Ms. Noceda telling me that we will pick up Vee from school at 2 PM later

I went inside my room and grabbed the Spanish book from the shelf and went to the desk and started studying


It had been two hours and i already finished 10 pages which was really fast but i learn really quickly, since of Luz,Eda,King and Hooty

I heard a chirp and i saw Rascal in the left side of my desk, "Hey buddy" I say as i take him in my arms and give him a little pet on the head with my finger

But the moment was cut short when i heard Ms. Noceda knocking on the door, "Hunter come out now, we need to pick up Vee from school." She said as i stand up and tidy up everything

"COMING!!" I say as i put the Spanish book back and pick up Rascal which turns into his wood thingy, I walk out of my room and over to the front door where Ms. Noceda was standing

I took her hand and we walk out the door and lock it, we started walking and about two hours later we got to the school

I saw lots of students walking outside the school, "Stay here Hunter, i just need to go to the principals office because of something" Ms. Noceda said to me with a smile

I nodded and she walked into the building, i saw some people looking at me but i just ignored them but i heard a male voice speak to me


i looked behind me and ignored the rude human male by not speaking to him

"Hey you not gonna talk? Ugly Freak!" The human male said and everyone started to laugh

I thought fast about something to say and a word hit my head, my face emotionless and i look at the rude human male

"I'm sorry about this but i'm not a mirror.." I said my face emotionless and everyone started to laugh louder than before

The rude human male felt annoyed and walked up to me about to punch me but before he could take a hit in my face

I caught his hand and twisted it to his back which dislocated it, the kid started screaming and my face was a serious look, everyone who had a laughing face was now horrified to see what i just did

i heard a person scream my name, i looked to my right to see Vee running to me with a worried face, when she got close to me she took my hand and everyone was shocked since she was holding my hand and managed to calm me down after doing the wrong thing

"What were you thinking? Don't do that again?!" Vee shouted before hugging me tight, i hugged her back and everyone went silent except for about a a while....

I heard the cry crying in pain and i walked up to him, took his arm and undislocated it...

"Don't tell anyone about this....or your dead meat.." I said in a terrifiying way which gave everyone chills down their spine

I let go of his hand and made him stand up, i was right on time when Ms. Noceda came outside the school.. i looked back at Vee and hold her hand, "I'm sorry.." i whispered to her

Ms. Noceda came up to us and i grabbed her hand and then we both went back home, i looked at Vee who seemed worried about me


We were finally home, Ms. Noceda was tired and decided to take a nap, i looked at Vee one more time and she was also staring at me scared

"About the incident that happened earlier... please don't do that again, It freaks me out and you almost might have put the guy in the was really not good you know... since you might have gotten in trouble...for doing that.." Vee said as she walked upstairs to her room...

I felt guilt and pain through what i just did a two hours ago and about Vee's words....

I just brushed off my thought and head to my room to study some Spanish or maybe talk to Rascal in the meanwhile...

Once i got into my room i closed the door behind me and walked over to the desk and started learning some Spanish words while talking to Rascal...


"La familia permanece unida ... (The family stays together...)" I said in little sad expression i've been stuck on that sentence for a very long time now...

It was really not loving to my head as it tells me what i feel about when i hear it... with Belos it was a nightmare...but with Luz,Eda,King and Hooty.... it's sad.....

My thoughts were interrupted by a voice coming from the other room.. i tell Rascal to turn back into his wooden form and as he did i took him in my arms and walked outside my room slowly

I walked to the room where the noise was coming from and i opened the door a little to see Vee and Ms. Noceda talking

"Vee calm'll be alright, Hunter won't find out about you being a shape shifter.." Ms. Camilia said trying to calm down Vee as she turned into a fish form

I was shocked to see that they were keeping secrets from me, but to admit i was also keeping secrets from them..

I close the door quietly and walk back to my room without making a single sound, I sure almost needed Rascal for help because i almost got caught by Vee

I go inside my room and just put back Rascal on the desk, i was confused on what was happening..

Was this family cursed? Was she adopted..? Is Luz and Ms. Noceda shape shifters too?

My life is so confusing....

"I'll just thing about it in the morning"...i said to myself as i take off my shoes and jacket, and i go lay down in my bed, put my blanket over me and closed my eyes to fall asleep...

..I will tell them about my secrets too...

..but first...

.....I need to confront them...

This is the end of Chapter 9, i'm sorry for not posting in a while.. i was really busy with some stuff that i needed to do

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