CHAPTER 8 - Human World..

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Guessing about this chapter
The right guess: No one
Close guess: Purple_Nin454
Not even a tiny bit guess: No one

If you don't get it, i made people guess what this chapter was :)

Hunter POV

A few weeks past after that event of Edric being the new coven guard, Eda would ask me who the person was and i would reply with "I don't know"," Ive never seen him before","He never showed his face or tell his name", and with those words Eda would leave me alone about that stupid little question.

Me and Edric sneak out and train together in the early mornings or even at night when we have the time, We would spend a few of the time spending it on dates and mischief, like this one time when me and Edric wore suits to disguise ourselves turn invisible and prank the coven guards or even Kikimora, which she almost thought there was a ghost in the castle, we laughed from all of it

But it could get tiering sometimes as Edric kept waking up late for Hexide and was so tired when we had to train again, I let the guy have a bit of rest but he insist on training and keeping himself awake like i did, I felt bad but if thats what he wants then i will let him have it.

I was getting more close to his siblings and friends, keeping secrets from them, I learned a some things like how all the Blights are gay, and Raine also staying at the Owl House sometimes, me and Luz would even go out on our own to the market, it was fun.....

and i remembered about the Key to the human realm and i thought about giving it to them when the times come, and that time was today.....

I woke up in my room in the emperors castle, it was about 5:10 AM and i was exhausted from the mission yesterday, Edric was sleeping next to me as Emperor Belos said, stay till the mission is done.

I get up and walk to the window to look at the view, i sat on the window for a few minutes till Edric  woke up, we both got dressed in our uniforms  and was going to continue the mission. We both hop on my staff and go and kill the human and the others, as Emperor Belos said

But were not going to do that but pretend we couldn't kill them since there was to many powerful witches on their side, and he believed us but Kikimora got a bit suspicious and we had to make sure she wasn't spying on us or we would be doomed

I was pretty nervous as i was hiding the key under my emperors coven coat, Edric knew what i was gonna do since i talk to him about it, It took a few hours to go to the owl house, but we managed and when we got there, Edric turned invisible and didn't say a word to make sure no one heard him

I go to the door and knock, i waited a few minutes till someone opened the door and they did, it was my mom (Eda), she greeted me and asked what did i need, i told her i just need to give her something and Hooty becomes annoying so she turns me around and pushes me a little bit farther from Hooty

She then stops and she finally ask me what i needed to give, and i was raised my hand to give her the key to the human realm, but we were almost blasted into little pieces, i push Eda out of the way as Edric pulls me the opposite directions and then everybody (Lilith,Raine,Amity,Emira,Luz and King) comes out of the room to see the all the commotion

I turn to look at who blasted me and i was shocked and furious at the same time, it was Kikimora and a thirty coven guards, "YOU!!!" I yelled as i used my staff and tried to blast them into flames but they dodge my attack, soon another blast of magic was sent towards me  by a coven guard but i just dodge it and teleported behind the coven guard as hit them sending them flying into Hooty

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