Desicion (for ya'll)

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So, since the new chapter, aka, "Chapter 20: Steve and the Tailor (Day 3)" was released and Ed' and Hunter have Matt going to be making their weddings attires

i wanna ask a question for you all

take note; i will give you options but you can also pick your own if you want by writing down on the option; Other (comments)

What should Edric wear for his wedding?

a. a wedding dress

b. a suit (with a vail)

c. a button up with a long gown/wedding skirt

d. a custom outfit (if you pick this, you have to describe it, and if this gets most votes for, i'll see who has the best description/custom outfit to put)

e. Other Country attire

f. Other (comments)

What should Hunter wear for his wedding?

a. a suit

b. other Country attire

c. custom attire (same with what i explained with Edric's)

d. Other (comments)

A/N: If Edric gets to wear a wedding dress/a button up with a long gown/skirt, then he's gonna officially be the most beautiful/handsomeness ✨ Material Girl ✨ you've/we've ever seen-

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