CHAPTER 13 - School and Hexsides back!

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3rd Person POV

Its the time of the year! Where school comes back... yaaaaayyyy....

Vee and Hunter are woken up by the sound of Camila's voice outside Vee's room, Hunter groans as he sits up from laying down on the mattress on the floor, he stretches his arms as he lets out a big yawn

Vee lets her tail dangle from the bed as she start rubbing her sleepy eyes with her hand, Camila then walks in their room with two backpacks in her hand and some Hexes Hold'em cards in her free hand, "Morning Kids, its school time" Camila says as she places the stuff on the end of Vee's bed

"Morning Mama Noceda" Hunter says as cradles himself in the mattress, letting his knees touch his chest as it supports his arms and his arms support the weight of his head, he tilts his head while looking at the stuff

"Ma can Hunter come with us to drop me off to school?" Vee ask as her face finally lets go off being tired, Camila smiles as she looks at the two. "You're brother will come and also heres your school clothes" Camila says as she puts down some clothes for school but theres something that looks off

Instead of one pair of clothes for Vee theres two, maybe it was just so Vee could chose what she wanted to wear

Vee looks in confusion as Hunter sits beside his hermanita (little sister), "Why are there two pairs? i thought you said this clothes were for school" Vee ask in confusion ask she start to eat some Hexes Hold'em cards before turning into her version of Luz, "Well... i did say Hunter was coming with you and it's because I want him to learn about Human stuff now so he will get used to this whole human things. I'm sorry Hunter for not telling you both sooner" Camila says as she laughs remembering how she had told her daughter, Luz about going to daycare for the first time

Vee and look at each other as they understand, an Evil grin starts to grow on Vee's doppelgänger face and Hunter understands what shes about to do since he's already been there with Luz, Vee jumps on Edric as she tries to pin him down and Camila just watches as she knows how siblings act like this a lot

*A few hours Later*

"I can't believe we had a car this whole time and it was in the repair shop, we had to walk like two hours a day to get to you" Hunter says as he gets out the car with Vee and The drivers window slides down, Camila is shown in the drivers seat with a smile on her face, Hunter and Vee turn around to look at her

"Ba-Bye my little batata!!! (Sweet Potato)" Camila says as she waves goodbye to her two adopted kids and then roll up her side window again, she gives them a big warm smile before the window closes shut and she drives away leaving the two for school

"Do you know what Batata mea-?" Vee was cut off by her hermano mayor (older brother), "I don't know so don't ask." Hunter says with a stinky eye since he still remembers the kid he that he disconnected their arms and knows he will be the target of everyones eyes

Vee takes Hunter's hand and looks at him as her eyes land on the school while she tilts her head to the direction, giving Hunter a signal to come in the school with her now,

Hunter chuckles a bit and walks into the school with Vee, this was his first time ever to enter a School, a Human School too. He was always sheltered inside the Emperor's Castle and only got to the market with Eda and into the never ending woods with his boyfriend Edric

And as Hunter expected everyones eyes started moving to him, He felt this before as the Golden Guard so he walks with Vee confidently as if he was still in the Boiling Isles and Belos Right Hand Man

He didn't let those glares and whispering gossip from the other students, he just let it slide as he walks through the hallway with Vee to the Principals office

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