CHAPTER 14 - Back to the Boiling Isles

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3rd Person POV

Its been a long time now since Hunter's stayed in the human realm, its been 2 years now and he's already 18 and his thinking about starting College now, He works at Robin's Roast Cafe now and is still living with his mother Camila Noceda and his little sister, Vee Noceda.

It's been about a month since Hunter worked at the cafe and Vee is still going through school, she is in 10 grade and a beautiful 16 year old now. She loves the forest and animals and she sometimes steals some magic thing that came from the Boiling Isles with that maniac dude who tried to capture Vee before Hunter came into their life

Camila works at home now, not wanting to leave her kids that much and spend a little more time with them since she knows that they will soon one day leave her for their own adventure and a world out there thats waiting for them. Camila, Vee and Hunter like to hang out in the forest and bond there, even saving some animals from the traps set out by the people.

"Wohoooo!!!" Hunter yells in joy as he starts gliding through the air and doing a few staff tricks with Rascal as in letting himself fall off and Rascal doing a spin as Hunter manages to get on again (Inspired by: The Owl House - Season 2 episode 13 "Any Sport in a Storm")

"Be careful Hunter!!" Camila yells watching her son do his tricks, "I will!!!" Hunter says as he does another falling trick, Rascal then turns back into the normal form and fly towards Hunter, Rascal turns back into his staff form and flys under Hunter as Hunter lands on his staff with his two feet

"¡¡AY DIOS MÍO!! no puedo mirar!! (OH MY GOD!! i can't look!" Camila says as she gets scared of her Son falling

Hunter stops seeing his mom worried and scared for his safety, he slowly flies down closer to the ground, his position still not changing as his two feet stay in place on the staff and his eyes turned to his mama

Vee tries to calm down her mama and tells her Hunter's a professional at doing the tricks so she didn't have to worry about him messing up and falling to the ground, "Sorry mama.." Hunter apologizes as he gets off his staff

Rascal turns back to his normal form and flies towards Camila, landing on her shoulder and rubbing his cheeks on Camilas hands that cover her eyes

Camila takes her hands away from her eyes, she looks at Rascal and gives him a smile, "Hello there little one" Camila says as Rascal looks at her with his adorable face, "Go back to your owner now" Camila says and Rascal flies over to Hunter's head

Rascal then starts to sleep as he's getting some rest since Hunter and him practiced all afternoon, The three chuckle and Vee starts showing her ears and white freckles but no one tries to hide it since no one goes into the woods in the afternoon

The weather this day was really nice and the family can't wait to go back home, Vee and Hunter decide to visit the house from where everything all started and Camila decides to walk back to the house alone since she feels tired and that abounded (not anymore) house was just a few minutes away from their house

Vee and Hunter reach the house after a few minutes and decide to go in since thats where they kept all their stuff, they sit on the poorly fixed porch and Hunter looks at the sky, not much has changed to Hunter's appearance, the only thing that changed from Hunter was his height which is now 6'3 and his clothes

Vee and Hunter reach the house after a few minutes and decide to go in since thats where they kept all their stuff, they sit on the poorly fixed porch and Hunter looks at the sky, not much has changed to Hunter's appearance, the only thing that ch...

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