F O U R T Y - S I X

556 31 4

I finally managed to write a chapter wow

Katsuki didn't know why he got up so early, but he had. So he spent his time on his phone, absentmindedly scrolling through posts as his thoughts wandered.

His birthday was soon, he wondered what he'd do this year. Mother did the very kind option of 'lock him in the room with a bunch of pedophiles' every year to celebrate. But he wasn't going home this year, was he?

Hadn't his group of idiots say something about a party? He'd never gotten one of those after he got his very own personal hell. He vaguely remembered those times when his mother was kind, despite her drinking. He never told Block 16 about his birthday as he didn't want to celebrate a huge expensive thing with presents when he wasn't worth it. Only Touya. Touya never gave him anything aside an extra juice box and out to some park to connect stars. Katsuki hadn't wanted anything more.

He missed Touya; he missed the brother-like man. 

He could remember very vividly, however, the first time she'd punished him. Katsuki had dropped a cup, one of the unreplaceable, expensive ones. He was only a month away from five. She'd patiently waited until his dad left for work. It had been one of the worst ones, considering it was the first time.

First times were always the worst.

"Good morning" He heard a voice drone. He jolted, head snapping up to meet the figure of his teacher. 

"Morning" He replied as he waited for his heart rate to calm. 

"I don't have patrol 'til a little later, I can walk you over to block sixteen. How does omelettes sound?"

"Sounds like you're trying to make sure I'm not beating anyone's ass. And yeah, sounds good. I'll help"

The rest of the early morning went well. His teacher did indeed walk with him. Kaminari was gonna meet him there in the afternoon. He was beyond excited to have his unofficial family meet his boyfriend. 

He didn't go straight to Block 16, he figured he'd go to Block 18, Mineta's block. He had time to kill and he'd have to check on his classmate's cousin.

When he turned into the street, he noticed a group of young adults surrounding another person. He could make out Mineta sprawled out on the cement, a foot from one of the elders pressing him down. There was another figure trapped by the other two young adults. There were three in total.

"Oi!" He called once he was close enough, announcing his presence. "Get the fuck out of here before I send your asses straight to hell"

"Shit" He heard one of them curse. The woman had elongated elf-like ears. "Let's get out of here"

"No" Said a dog-nosed one. "It's just a little brat"

The third smacked the dog-nosed man's head. "That's Purote you dumbass!"

"He's just a kid! Why the hell are you pussies so scared of a puny kid? He'll run if I pull the gun on 'im"

The woman started walking away, pulling the dog-nosed guy along with her. The other person followed closely behind, nervously glancing back every few steps.

Mineta stared at him like he'd grown a pair of wings and Purote couldn't help but smile. It was a fond one, his lips curving up as he scanned the boy.

The teen was covered in the powdery dirt that always sat as a layer about the street's cement.

His gaze slid over to a girl who'd also been a victim of the group. As he knelt down, a small boy ran out from between one of the houses, the unkempt lawn reaching up to the kid's knees.

"Sissy!" The girl hugged the kid, eying Purote.

"You're Purote?" She asked, scanning him over incredulously. He shrugged at her and she fell into silence, brushing herself off and standing up. She was taller than him, she was lanky and not half as much mass than him so he most likely weighed more.

"Oh!" The young kid blurted out. "My mommy says you like juice boxes! Wait here!" Purote watched as the boy took off, offering a hand to Mineta.

"You okay?" He asked.

Mineta nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay"

With that out of the way, Purote could relax. He'd gotten to stop the three before they die any real damage. He then turned to the girl. "You pissed them off. What'd you do?"

"How– How do you know he didn't do this?" Purote was beginning to hate this nuisance of a girl.

"What'd you do?" He repeated.

"I just..."

"Purote!" They all looked over. The small boy was sprinting through the grass, nearly tripping a few times. Securely in his small fingers lay a bright green juice box.

When the box was handed, he took it, inspecting it. It hadn't been resealed in any way. He knew what to look for.

"Thanks" He said as he tossed it from hand to hand. Purote sighed and decided that it was too much trouble to continue talking to the girl. He just left, Mineta following and the rather loud cheers of the boy yelling at his mother about how he'd met Purote.

"So..." Mineta drawled out. "Are you going to the Bats today?"

"Yeah, I'm bringing Kami" Purote nodded, following the other back to the boy's house. He popped the tab on the box, taking in sips of the juice as they want.

It wasn't half as good as the special kind Touya made for him.

Word Count: 977

Just to say, telling me to 'please update' is not going to do shit when I'm stuck on what to do. It makes me feel bad. I struggle with executive functioning and I'm doing my very best. Also on that lovely note, fuck you ❤︎. 

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