The bite - Stiles Stilinski (sister!reader) - Part 1

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Summary: After being attacked, (Y/N)'s only chance of survival causes her brother Stiles to make some harsh decisions.

Requested: Yes

Stiles couldn't believe this was happening. As he found his baby sister laying on the ground of her own bedroom, bleeding heavily and immobile after an attack from the Kanima, he almost broke down. Running toward her, he kneeled beside the young girl and reached for one of her hoodies that had been laying around on the floor and pressed against her wound. As soon as he did, she groaned, and Stiles breathed out in relief, knowing she was, at least, alive.

"Oh, thank God, (Y/N)..." He whispered, turning her face around so she was looking at him. Or, at least, trying to, as her eyelid kept fluttering close every once in a while. "Come on, (Y/N), just keep your eyes open, alright? Please, baby, keep your eyes open for me."

Earning nothing but a small whimper from the girl in response, Stiles felt at least a thousand different emotions creeping up his throat. He felt scared, he felt angry, he felt desperate, but most of all, he felt guilty. That was his baby sister there. It was the girl he watched being born bleeding to death in his arms. It was the girl he watched growing up bleeding to death in his arms. It was the girl he loved above everything else in the world bleeding to death in his arms. It was the girl he swore to protect time and time again. After their mother died, every time their father struggled with the bills a little bit more, as soon as she figured out everything about the supernatural... He always made her the same promise:

"I'll always protect you, (Y/N). I'll always love you and I'll always be right by your side." He'd always say. "Nothing will ever hurt you. Not while I'm alive, I swear."

Stiles swallowed the lump in his throat realizing he had just broken that promise. He didn't protect her like he should've. She was hurt. Actually, she was dying. But he couldn't have it. He couldn't lose (Y/N). Not like he lost his mother. He wouldn't be able to handle it. And his father...

"Scott!" Stiles called out desperately through the house, knowing his werewolf best friend was somewhere close. "Scott!"

"Stiles!" The beta called back, climbing up the stairs two at a time once he sensed the despair in his best friend's voice. "What are you... Oh my God!"

Scott froze as he took in the scene in front of him. Standing by the door of (Y/N)'s bedroom, he gasped once he saw how much blood she had pouring out of her stomach as she laid in Stiles' arms. Scott looked at his best friend and the boy's expression hit him like a punch in the guts. Stiles wasn't just sad, he was devastated. He was lost. And if Scott was being honest, so was him. (Y/N) was a good person. She was smart like her brother, devoted, always ready to help. Of course Scott and Stiles never allowed her to do anything too dangerous, scared of having her hurt, but, apparently, keeping the girl in her bedroom alone wasn't that much of a good idea either.

"Stiles..." Scott breathed out, unsure of what else to do.

"She's dying, Scott." Stiles whispered, finally allowing his tears to roll free as he clutched his sister's weakened body. "We can't take her to the hospital, she won't last that long. Deaton is too far away too. My baby sister is dying and there's nothing I can do about it, Scott!"

"We can still save her, Stiles." Scott promised, as he ignored how he had just kneeled in a pool of (Y/N)'s blood so he could grab her hands in his and take some of her pain away. "I know we can."

"How?" Stiles demanded, when (Y/N) let out a somewhat relieved breath. "Do you have any type of medicine that can heal wounds in like... 5 minutes, or something? Because if you don't, then I don't think we can do much."

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