Trust - Theo Raeken

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Summary: After he saves Liam, (Y/N) finally allows herself to get close to her crush, Theo Raeken. Noticing that change, Theo decides to confide in her some of his deepest secrets as well. Or, at least, that's what she believes he is doing. Inspired on episode 5X08.

Requested: No.

The room was silent. The only thing Theo could hear were the hearbeats of the pack. They were all calm now, though. Finally at peace after he managed to find and rescue Liam and Hayden after Lydia and (Y/N) pressed Corey for more information on the place where he had been held captive by the Dread Doctors.

After rushing out of the house and leaving the two girls alone, Theo managed to find Scott's young beta and Hayden in an underground prison and take them back to the Alpha's house where they were taken care of by the two girls and, even before Scott got home after Theo's call telling him Liam was fine, the young couple was already fast asleep on the couch.

Theo watched as (Y/N), Lydia, Malia, Scott and even Mason couldn't seem to take their eyes off Liam for even a split of second. The chimera couldn't blame them, though. The beta was missing for almost a whole day.

Of course, he knew where they were all along and that was why he managed to "find them". But for the pack, he used Corey's information for that and that was the perfect cover for him. He was still clean with them and, now that he saved Liam's life, he was sure Scott would be willing to give him a chance.

"So... I guess I'll go home." Theo said, after a few seconds of silence, causing everyone to spin around and look at him.

"Thank you, Theo." Scott said, for what felt like the 100th time that night.

"It was nothing." The chimera smiled back, before getting up from his place on the sofa.

As soon as he did, he noticed (Y/N) doing the same as she spared Liam one last glance and then looked at Theo.

"I'll drive you home." She offered, causing Theo to look at her with a small smile.

For the naked eye, it sure seemed like a innocent smile. One of gratitude. But that was not the case. At least, not for Theo.

He knew the girl had been infatuated with him ever since he came back to Beacon Hills. Theo's original plane was simply to get on her good side, like he was slowly but surely doing with Lydia, Kira and Malia. But as soon as he picked up on the small but always present chemo signals from the girl whenever he was around, he decided that he could do way more with (Y/N) than with the other girls in the pack. He could make her fall in love with him.

With a shake of his head, Theo locked eyes with (Y/N) and smiled when he noticed her blush.

"No, it's okay. I'm fine." He said, causing the girl to frown.

"Please, Theo. Let me drive you."

Theo looked at Scott and when the Alpha nodded, he chuckled, turning back to look at (Y/N).


The girl smiled before grabbing her coat and car keys. She said her good nights to the pack, before heading out of Scott's house with Theo following her close behind. They both got into the car and (Y/N) turned on the engine before putting on the GPS the location of his house.

"What you did, Theo, was very brave." (Y/N) said, after a while of comfortable silence.

"Please, don't thank me. Scott's done enough of it." Theo shook his head, making the girl giggle. "You really like that Liam kid, don't you?"

"He's like... My little brother. So I just feel the need to protect him all the time." (Y/N) admitted with a shrug.

"Well, he's very lucky to have a sister like you, then."

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