Tired - Liam Dunbar

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Summary: (Y/N) is not feeling alright today. Sensing her discomfort, Liam tries to cheer her up, making her feel better without even knowing.

Requested: No.

People always assumed that Liam was the jealous one of the relationship.

It wasn't that (Y/N) never got angry. She did. But not at school. Not in public. She didn't like to cause a scene, really, so most of the times she got really angry, she'd go somewhere secluded and yell, cry, smash things... Whatever it took for her to finally calm down enough to go back out into society and act like a normal person again.

Liam on the other hand, was, as Stiles had stressed many, many times before, a ticking time bomb. And maybe he was right, but the boy had a lot on his shoulders to carry by himself. And, as if being a sophomore in high school wasn't enough, the sixteen year old kid had to basically be the whole lacrosse team, while he fought supernatural stuff that never seemed to stop happening at Beacon Hills and tried to control his werewolf urges every once in a while, heightened by his IED. So, yes, Stiles, maybe Liam was a ticking time bomb, but the poor boy had his reasons to be. That was why people assumed. They assumed Liam was the jealous one. They assumed he was the possessive one.

And they weren't wrong. But (Y/N) could have her moments, though.

"What's wrong with you?" Mason's voice snapped her out of her trance, as the girl turned around to face her friend.

"Nothing." She lied. "Nothing's wrong."

"Right." The boy scoffed, reaching a hand over and placing it on her bouncing knee. "So you can stop shaking your leg like that, right?"

Knowing she had just gotten busted, the girl let out a loud groan and leaned back against the bleachers. She looked at where Liam stood beside Scott, talking to his Alpha as they had yet another lacrosse practice together. (Y/N) looked around and saw around three girls from the soccer team giggling among each other as they looked straight at Liam from their field a few meters away. She rolled her eyes when they bit their lip when Liam stretched. Luckily he still had his shirt on.

"I'm just tired." She said, as Mason closed the book he was using seconds before to do his math homework and turning to face the girl more.

"Then go home." He frowned, as if it was obvious. "And try to get some sleep instead of staying up till late watching conspiracy videos on youtube."

"I don't do that!" She protested, causing the boy to give her a look of pure disbelief. She sighed. "Fine. I do that. But that's not what I'm tired of."

"What are you tired of?"

(Y/N) hesitated. She bit her lip, wondering if the next words that she wanted to say would sound silly to Mason. Maybe they would, but he was one of her best friends. He wouldn't laugh of her, right? At least, not too much.

"I'm tired of listening to the girls in our grade and the grade below and the grades above talking about how hot Liam is, and how good of a player he is, and, oh... Look at those beautiful eyes..."

Mason watched as (Y/N) put on quite a show in front of him, using a very high pitched voice, batting her lashes and whipping her hair around. Once she was done, the boy had to hold back a laugh, knowing (Y/N) would get pretty mad at him if he as much as chuckled at her face.

"(Y/N)..." He said, as the girl blushed, noticing the amusement in her friend's face. "Honestly... I don't know what they all see in Liam."

(Y/N) groaned again, shoving her face in her hands.

"Not helping, Mase." She mumbled.

Mason chuckled, moving he was sitting right beside (Y/N) so he could place his arm around her shoulder.

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