Roller coaster - James Potter

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Summary: Just another day in the dynamic and fun relationship of James Potter and (Y/N) (Y/L/N).

Requested: No, but I just felt the need to write for the Marauders, so here it is, some James Potter fluff for you.

Dating James Potter was a ride. And not some nice, cute carousel, oh no. Dating James Potter was like going down every roller coaster in the amusement park. The wild ones, the more chill ones, but always a new thrill. And that was why she loved it so much.

(Y/N) wasn't what one would call a "goodie two-shoes", but she sure was in the good side of almost every Professor at Hogwarts. Of course they knew all the kind of mayhem she got herself up to, but how could they ever be angry at the girl when not only she excelled in almost every class but she had also managed to control James enough so that he wouldn't mess around while in class. At least, not too much anyway. Obviously, that didn't mean saying (Y/N) had managed to tame James in anyway. And she didn't even want that in the first place.

Not when, as soon as they were out of their weakly Potions class together, James would grab his girlfriend by the hand and pull her along the corridors as he explained whatever plan he had in his mind at the moment.

(Y/N) would always listen to him with a smile in her face, helping him develop his ideas or telling him to let it go when they ended up being too much. She'd always be his safe-space and best partner in crime — which he hoped Sirius never knew. He loved how she always came up with smart and creative solutions to his problems and how she was always up for a good a laugh. He loved that he could climb into her dorm in the middle of the night and they'd just laid there in her bed talking about anything and everything. He loved how she cared for him and his friends. He loved how she even pretended to like Quidditch because it was his passion. James loved (Y/N) and the smile he had on everytime they were together was proof enough.

"So... What do you think?" He asked, as soon as he finished talking her through his plan with a smile on his face.

"Magically painting Filch's office red?" She asked, as James nodded. "As long as Mrs. Norris comes out unharmed, I guess it's fine."

"Fine?" James raised an eyebrow causing the girl to shrug a bit.

"It's not your most brilliant plan ever, James, but I mean... It could work."

"And you don't have any kind of input to make it better then?"

At that, (Y/N) laughed. She shook her head, taking a step toward James and wrapping her arms around his neck. instinctively, his own arms came to wrap around her waist.

"Nah... Not really." She smirked as James chuckled. "Besides, I have faith in us. We can make it work."

"That's my girl." James beamed, leaning down slightly to press a kiss to her lips. (Y/N) smiled up at him. "Come on, then... We only have about half an hour before Mr. Filch comes back."


Apparently, after about 100 pranks from the Marauders in his office, Filch finally learned how to protect himself from any more attacks.

First, it was a lock that didn't unlock with a simple Alohomora, forcing (Y/N) to pick it open with a bobby pin the Muggle way. Which, by the way, impressed James a lot, causing him to make her promise to teach him how to do it someday.

"It won't work if you don't have a bobby pin with you at all times, though. And considering not even your dad's products can seem to tame that little beast you like to call hair, I don't suppose you do."

"First of all, love..." James rolled his eyes, puffing his eyes playfully as he followed his girlfriend inside Filch's office. "This little beast is what keeps the girls interested."

(Y/N) scoffed, crossing her arms in front of her chest and turning to face James with a smirk. The Gryffindor returned the gesture, grabbing the pin from (Y/N)'s hand and carefully putting it back into place to hold her bangs again.

"Second... I won't need to have a pin on me, because I'll have you instead."

"All the time?" (Y/N) challenged as James nodded.


"Smooth-talking little—"

"We're wasting time here, love. We need to hurry." James interrupted her with a wink. (Y/N) let out an amused laugh.

"Fine. Do your thing, then, Potter. I'll be outside keeping guard."

Sending her boyfriend a smile, (Y/N) walked out of the room, standing just outside the door and looking both ways in the corridor to make sure no one was coming. She must have stood there for about three minutes before a yell was heard and James ran out of Filch's office, covered head to toe in red paint and basically knocking (Y/N) down on his way out. As soon as they both hit the ground, the girl let out a groan and turned to glare at her boyfriend.

"James! What the— Oh, Merlin!"

The girl covered her face in her hands to stop herself from laughing. James glared at her, but he knew he was probably looking stupid with that paint in his face and even covering his glasses. It wasn't his fault that Filch had probably asked Flitwick to put a protective spell in his bloody office after all.

"Yeah, yeah... Laugh away, love. It's not like I care anyway."

"I'm sorry, Jamie... You know I love you." (Y/N) giggled, pulling James' glasses off his face and wiping clean them in her shirt. "But I'm guessing the plan didn't go too well?"

"Yeah... You did say it wasn't my best." James shrugged with a small smile.

"I did say that." The girl hummed in agreement, placing James' now clean glasses back in his face.

"Yeah, but if we do get caught, I'm blaming it on you." He smirked, getting up from the floor and running away.

(Y/N) laughed as she followed his lead and ran after him.

"Not fair! It was your idea!"

And as they passed by students on the corridors of the school, chasing each other and laughing loudly, no one blinked an eye. After all, that was just another normal day in the roller coaster that was James and (Y/N)'s relationship.

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