Headcanon - Learning self-defense with Allison (McCall!Reader)

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Requested: Yes!

A/N: So, I have never done anything like this, but I decided to try it out because I've always loved to read those headcanons, so why not, right? If you liked it and want to see more of this, please let me know and I'll happy to do it!

Also, I tried to be funny. Not sure if it worked but anyway... Enjoy!

- It all started as an accident, really.

- After Allison learned all about his hunter family and her father passed down all the knowledge he had on self-defense to his daughter, the girl decided she needed to practice it.

- She had tried to do it with Scott and as much as her boyfriend tried not to use his supernatural abilities to his advantages, he couldn't do it. It was stronger than him and when he realized it, he had already pinned down Allison underneath him.

- So she decided to train with someone else.

- She couldn't do it with Lydia, since her best friend couldn't fight at all.

- She couldn't do it with Stiles either, for obvious reasons.

- And she couldn't do it with her father since they already knew each other's strengths and weaknesses like the back of their hands.

- So with whom could she practice?

- For a while, Allison considered actually taking self-defenses classes in school, but she wasn't too sure about that.

- Thankfully you entered the story just at the right time, sending Allison a text that you were tired of being treated as a baby by your brother Scott just because you were human.

- "Stiles is too and Scott lets him go with him everywhere!" You complained to Allison when she invited you over to her house after your text.

- "Stiles is smart, (Y/N)." Allison chuckled, watching you pace around her bedroom.

- "So am I! And I don't make dumb decisions like Stiles!"

- As you went on and on about how you deserved a chance to prove yourself that you could handle your own just fine, Allison had the brilliant idea.

- "I could teach you how to fight." She said. "So next time Scott is in danger, you can help him too!"

- Maybe it was a bad idea teaching her boyfriend's little sister how to fight, but she just really wanted someone to practice with.

- Like, really wanted.

- You, of course, accepted the help and then it started.

- Every Friday after school, you would "hang out" with Allison and she would take you to the house in the middle of the woods her father had taught her everything she knew so she could teach you.

- Surprisingly, you were good. Really good. After ten sessions with Allison, you already knew almost everything and Allison finally got the fight-practicing buddy she's always wanted.

- So now, instead of learning from Allison, you two had proper fights and, sometimes, you even managed to win.

- "I went easy on you, (Y/N)." Allison would say, every time you pinned her down.

- "Sure you did, Ally."

- You even kept a board in the house to keep scores every time one of you won.

- Allison was winning still, but you were catching up and fast.

- Of course, having proper fights with each other would eventually cause a bruise or two to appear in one of you.

- And that was the exact reason why Scott finally found out about yours and Allison's shenanigans.

- "Please, (Y/N), tell me this is not a hickey..." Scott pleaded one day when Allison ended up hitting you rather hard on your neck and leaving a mark.

- "It's not."

- That was an interesting night, for sure.

- After Scott kept bugging you to tell him what the bruise was, you finally did.

- Scott didn't know how do feel. Should he be proud? Should he be worried? Should he forbid you from continuing it?

- He didn't know what to do, so he called Allison.

- "You taught my sister how to use a dagger?"

- "She's great with it!"

- You stood in the living room, watching as Scott and Allison bickered back and forth about you learning how to fight.

- After almost 45 minutes of discussing, Scott finally ended the call and turned to you with a sigh.

- "I won't stop you from learning self-defense with Allison. It's good that you know how to defend yourself, I suppose." He said. Before you could even thank him, he lifted his hand, looking at you with a smirk.

- "What?" You asked.

- "I have one condition, though."

- "What condition?"

- Smirking again, Scott flashed his golden eyes to you and your eyes widened.

- "Prove to me you're as good as Allison says you are."

- Needless to say, it was an interesting conversation you and Scott had with your mother that night when she got home earlier from her shift only to see her two children rolling on the ground, laughing and throwing harmless punches at one another.

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