Housewife - Remus Lupin

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Summary: After winning her first Quidditch World Cup, (Y/N) and Remus have more to celebrate after the party is over.

Requested: No.

After the last person finally left the house, (Y/N) and Remus found themselves sat alone in the kitchen of their shared flat, with both of their backs against one of the cabinets. (Y/N) had a bottle of firewhiskey in one hand while the other held Remus' over his thigh and the man finished a cigarette.

"What time is it?" She asked, causing her boyfriend to shrug.

"Five? Maybe six?" He offered.

"Jesus Christ..."

"Yeah." Remus nodded. "And the last time I talked properly with you was what? Before the game?"

"Well, you had a chance to talk after the game, but your mouth seemed busy with other things at the time."

"Tell me you didn't like the congratulations I gave you." Remus dared with a wriggle of his eyebrows at her. (Y/N) laughed.

"I did like it." She said, taking a swig of her drink. "Just saying you shouldn't be complaining about it since you did have a chance."

"Fair enough." He chuckled, taking the last drag of his cigarette before putting it away on the tile floor of the kitchen.

"I'm not cleaning that one up." (Y/N) rolled her eyes, referring to the ashes Remus just left. He chuckled.

"I wasn't expecting you to."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked, as Remus shrugged.

"When was the last time you touched a broom, love?"

"About 8 hours ago." She smirked up at him as he scoffed. He should've seen that one coming.

"To clean, (Y/N)."

"I don't know." She admitted, moving so she was now straddling his waist. "Does it bother you, Rem? That I don't do stuff like that?"

"Not at all." He answered quickly. "I love that you are out there, doing what you were meant to be doing; what you've always wanted to do... I love that you keep winning with the Holy Heads Harpies, bringing trophies back home. I love that I get to put them all in a shelf and brag about how wonderful you are. I love that you just won a fucking World Cup! I mean... Have you ever imagined doing that?"

"Not really." (Y/N) blushed under the weight of Remus' words. They had been together for almost ten years now and every time her boyfriend complimented her, she still felt like that stupid 15 years old girl trying to hide her huge crush for the sake of their friendship. "But I'm thankful for it."

"I know." Remus smiled, leaning forward to place a kiss to her nose. (Y/N) scrunched it up due to the smell of smoke he exhaled but she was used to it by now. He chuckled. "And I'm thankful for you. I mean... Cleaning the house, making us food... I like doing those things because I feel like I'm somehow giving back for how much you care for me. If it wasn't for you and your job, I'd probably be living in the streets not being able to find a job because of... You know."

"So... You're really only with me because I pay you to be my maid?" (Y/N) lifted an eyebrow playfully to what her boyfriend chuckled.

"Basically, yeah." He agreed with a laugh when (Y/N) hit his chest lightly.

"Well, good thing you are a good housewife, then."

Not realizing the weight for her own words, (Y/N) simply laughed it out and moved to sit beside Remus again, instead of in his lap.

"I'm not your housewife." He mumbled.

(Y/N) frowned. Had she offended him?

"I'm sorry, Rem. I didn't mean—"

"And I'm not your husband either." He continued, as if she hadn't say a word.


"But we can change that." He finished his thought, turning to face (Y/N) with a smile and reddened cheeks.

(Y/N) laughed fondly at the way the blush only accentuated the scars across her boyfriend's face, but by the amount she had been drinking that night, she was sure her face was in a similar situation.

"Is that you asking me to marry you?" She asked. Remus chuckled.

"Yes. And I promise I'll do something better about it eventually but by now..." He drifted off as his eyes scanned the room, letting out an amused huff when they landed on the bottle of firewhiskey. Picking it up, he spun around and kneeled on the floor, offering it to his girlfriend. "So, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), will you marry me?"

(Y/N) let out a full on laugh and Remus followed her.

"That's an half empty bottle of alcohol, Rem." She noted.

"Depends on how you look at it." He countered. "Maybe it's a half full bottle. Maybe it represents everything we've already been through and the empty space we still have to fill in."

"Bloody hell, Remus. You are a smooth talker, aren't you?"

"That's how I managed a date with you, I suppose." He shrugged. "But now I'm trying for a lifetime with you. Is that okay?"

(Y/N) shook her head with a fond smile, wondering how did she ever get so lucky to have Remus by her side after everything. Before he even had the time to misinterpreted her actions, though, she spoke up.

"You already had a lifetime with me, Rem." She said gently, placing a sweet kiss to his lips. She smiled. "But to answer your question... Yes. I'll marry you."

(Y/N) let out a squeal when Remus pulled her from her place on the floor and up onto the counter. As his lips danced with hers, she spread her legs, allowing him to get closer to her, as his fingers tangled themselves in her hair.

"I love you." He breathed out as she trailed her mouth down his neck.

"I would've hoped so." She chuckled, causing him to shiver at the hot air against his skin. "You just asked me to marry you."

"Do you love me?" He asked.

"Of course I do." She responded quickly, pulling away from him just so she could look him in the eye. "I love you, Rem. But I'd love you more if you agreed to use one of those maid uniforms for me."

"Love..." Remus chuckled, shaking his head at her dry humor.

"It could even be the sexy ones!"

"Oh, shut up, (Y/N), bloody hell." He laughed, picking her up as she squeaked and wrapped her legs around his waist. "I'm starting to have second thoughts about all of this."

(Y/N) gasped in fake surprise.

"You would never." She said, as he moved the two of them up toward their bedroom.

Remus chuckled again, nuzzling his face in her neck and placing a kiss there, causing (Y/N) to let out a low moan.

"No." He whispered, his lips dangerously close to her skin as the woman shivered in his arms. "I would never."

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