We need to talk - Jason Grace (Daughter of Apollo!Reader)

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Summary: After all that happened in California, Apollo has to face the worst of his challenges to date: a very dreaded talk to his daughter.

Requested: No, but after what happened in Burning Maze, I just felt like I needed to write something for Jason because, well... He deserved a lot better than that.

Author's note: Reader is a daughter of Apollo in this. Also, Piper is a good friend to both, the reader and Jason.

Warnings: The Burning Maze spoilers. DO NOT READ IT IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE BOOK, PLEASE!

It was almost too easy. All the way from Santa Monica to Los Angeles was a very easy one, with not one obstacle whatsoever. It was almost as if the Olympus wanted Apollo to find her as soon as possible. And Zeus probably did. Maybe that was just another one of his stupid tests because he knew that no monster or cruel roman emperor could ever match the rage that his daughter would experience. His father knew that for sure. Maybe he even expected her to kill him finally.

Apollo was sure she'd be capable of doing so. Easily.

Finally finding the small bar his daughter performed every night right in the heart of Hollywood for money and for fun, Apollo pushed the door open and felt his whole body shaking once his ears were filled with the most amazing sound he ever heard in his life. He smiled for a second, knowing that the voice he was hearing was his daughter's voice. Most likely, the guitar was her too. But as soon as he remembered why he was there, his smile turned into a frown.

Silently making his way toward one of the tables, Apollo sat down. He watched as (Y/N) performed. He watched as she sat there in her usual casual clothes and a guitar in her hands. He watched as she moved her fingers effortlessly over the strings, the most amazing music coming out of it as she played. He watched as she used the mic in front of her to amplify her beautiful voice and how every eye in the room could barely blink under the magnetism radiating from the girl. Apollo always praised himself in being the reason why so many famous singers out there were as talented as they were. He praised himself in giving them the stage presence they had; the voice they had; the expert fingers to play any and every kind of instrument invented that they had. He usually said that if he wasn't their father, they wouldn't have any of those qualities. But right then, watching (Y/N) sing her little pure heart out, Apollo wasn't so sure if that was the case anymore.

He watched as her bright (Y/E/C) shined with nothing but happiness as she sang. Happiness that, sooner or later would be snatched away from her. Because of him. Because he just couldn't protect the people risking his life for him. Because he was weak.

"Thank you so much!" Apollo heard (Y/N) say, as soon as she finished her song over the applause. "I'll take a quick break, but I should be back in half an hour. Enjoy your dinner!"

That was it. That was the moment he needed. With a deep breath, Apollo got up from his table and walked toward (Y/N) as the girl carefully put her guitar away in its case. He walked up into the stage and poked her in the shoulder. (Y/N) jumped slightly in surprise and turned around, with a hand on her hip where she kept her dagger just in case.

"Hey, (Y/N)." Apollo said gently with a forced smile. (Y/N) frowned. "It's me, Apollo."

The (ex) god watched for a second as a thousand emotions went through his daughter's face. Fear, confusion, surprise, recognition, and finally, relief.

"He wasn't kidding..." (Y/N) breathed out as she took a step forward and examined the boy in front of her. "You do look... Normal."

"You know how I look?" Apollo asked, surprised.

He hadn't seen (Y/N) in quite some time. Actually, thinking back, maybe the last time they saw each other was just before his father decided to punish him for what his son Octavian did to start a war with Gaea in Greece. And, by then, Apollo was quite sure he still looked like, well... Himself.

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