Miss California - The pack (McCall!Reader)

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Summary: After staying away from her friends and school for a few months, (Y/N) finally returns, but her welcoming happens to be a little different then what she expected it to be.

Requested: yes

"I've missed walking into school with you." Scott said, as he looked down at his sister and smiled at the girl.

"You had Stiles, though." She smirked up at her older brother and the alpha chuckled, glancing at his best friend on his other side before looking back at (Y/N).

"It's not the same, though." He chuckled, causing Stiles to roll his eyes.

"Oh, yeah, thanks, buddy. It's not like I've been with you since we were like... Five or something, but that's okay. I'll let slide just because (Y/N) is here."

Before any of them could say anything, though, another voice cut through their conversation, causing (Y/N) to smile brightly as her eyes travelled from Scott and Stiles toward the end of the hallway, where Allison and Lydia stood.

"Wait... (Y/N)'s here?" The brunette girl had asked as her best friend gasped beside her.

"Oh, my God!" Lydia squealed, running up to (Y/N) and engulfing the girl in a hug. "I thought you wouldn't be back for another week."

"I finished up the photo shoots earlier, so I guessed I'd surprise you all."

"Oh, look at her... All fancy with her photo shoots and interviews." Allison mocked, taking her time to embrace the younger girl in her arms and squeezing her tightly.

"Stop it..." (Y/N) mumbled, feeling her cheeks heating up from embarrassment.

At that, the four older kids chuckled. They had always loved messing with (Y/N) for her love for modeling, but after she had enrolled in a beauty pageant contest and won it, only to end up also becoming Miss California in that year, those jokes increased ten-fold.

Of course (Y/N) knew they were just joking around, trying to get her to blush and stumble over her words as they always complimented her hair and clothing choices saying it was obvious she was destined to, someday, become Miss Universe or something. And they never let it go too far. If (Y/N) ever felt uncomfortable, they would always stop, spending hours on end just telling her how proud they were of her and all her achievements.

"Oh, but I've missed you so much, (Y/N)..." Lydia said, sighing dramatically, causing (Y/N) and Allison to exchange a glance before laughing lightly. "It's finally so good not to be the only person in this school with sense of style. I mean... Look at this dress! It's so cute!"

"Found it thrift store, actually. I can take you there after class if you want."

"Oh, see, Allison? That's an actual friend." Lydia shot a look at the Hunter, as the brunette simply shook her head.

"You're still mad I didn't go to Macy's with you last night?" She asked in disbelief.

"Obviously! I offered to buy her a nice dress and she said she'd rather stay in, STUDYING!" The banshee finished, looking at (Y/N) as the girl giggled.

"No way! You decided to stay in studying in a school night before a test? How responsible of you, Allison. I'm disappointed."

At that, the whole group erupted into laughter. As (Y/N) clutched her books in her arms, she could tell someone was watching her. More than likely, a few people were watching her. And they weren't flattering looks. Well, most of them weren't.

As the girl focused on her friends, trying to distract herself from the uncomfortableness of being watched 24/7, she shifted in the balls of her feet and pulled her dress down. She hated it. She hated how, not a year ago she was just another freshman. She hated how, before being nominated Miss California she suddenly wasn't that invisible girl that walked through the hallways of the school trying to get from one class to another without being noticed by anyone that weren't her own selected group of friends. Most of all, she hated how, all because of a stupid regional newspaper she could never wear a proper dress or a shorter shorts without every eye turning to her to check her up and down like she was some kind of meat. She loved being a Miss. She loved the fact that, soon, she'd be going up against the prettiest, nicest and most intelligent girls in all America to fight with them for the crown, but she hated everything else that came with it.

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