I have a plan - Stiles Stilinski

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Summary: (Y/N) finally graduated and now is time for college, but something is still bothering the girl. Thankfully, her boyfriend Stiles knows exactly what to do to make her feel better.

Requested: No

"What now?" Stiles asked, as he sat on (Y/N)'s bed, helping her finish packing the rest of her things.

"I don't know." She shrugged, putting a shirt inside the suitcase. "I was actually incredibly surprised the college even accepted my late entry."

"Well, I'm glad they did." He chuckled. "I mean... It's not your fault you got so caught up in fighting some supernatural creature and saving the lives of your high school friends."

(Y/N) smiled at that, and closed the suitcase before walking up to Stiles and sitting beside him on her bed.

"So... I'm off to share an apartment with Lydia as we attend Harvard, Scott's going to UC Davis. Malia's moving in with him until she figures out what she wants to do. Meanwhile, you'll be living by yourself in D.C." She said, as she looked around her room for what would be the last time for a while. "Granted, you'll have little free time in between your classes and internship, but you know..."

"What? You think I won't survive by myself?" Stiles chuckled as (Y/N) glanced at him with smile.

"After all we've been through, a few years by yourself in the capital won't kill you, I'm sure." She said as he smiled. (Y/N) bit her lip as she looked away from him. "It's not your survival that I'm worried about. It's just... I mean... We've been together every day of our lives for the last three years, Stiles and now... I'm moving away from you and I just... I'm scared I guess."

"Scared of what?"

(Y/N) looked at him and noticed he was staring back at her. She could tell he knew what she was talking about, but he needed to make sure. He needed to make sure they were on the same page before he spoke up again.

"I'm scared you'll find someone better." (Y/N) admitted with a frown. Stiles scoffed at that, but the girl shook her head and got up from the bed, walking around in the room. "It's true, I mean... You'll be going to Georgetown, for heaven's sake! You'll have all those pretty, smart girls and even if you don't believe me, you're quite hot, Stiles and I just... I wouldn't blame them if they wanted to, you know..."

"(Y/N), you can't possibly be serious." Stiles chuckled causing his girlfriend to stop pacing and turn to him with a pout.

He laughed wholeheartedly before pulling (Y/N) toward him, causing her to stumble forward and land on his lap.

"I love you, (Y/N). And yes, maybe I'll meet some beautiful, smart girls, but they'll never compare to you."


"(Y/N), listen to me. You're not only my girlfriend. Before that, you're my best friend. And above it all, you are my soul mate, I swear. I mean... Not even when the Wild Hunt took me you forgot about me or did I forget about you. We are more than just a couple, (Y/N). We are meant to be together. And even if we are what? 500 miles apart, I'm still going to be yours and you're still going to be mine, right?"

(Y/N) smiled gently, before turning around so she could press her lips to Stiles'. He kissed her back in an instant and, after a few seconds, they pulled apart.

"I'm always gonna be yours, Stiles." (Y/N) whispered, leaning her forehead against his.

"Good. Because I'm always gonna be yours too." He smiled. "Plus... I have a plan."

"A plan?" (Y/N) raised a playful eyebrow at him as he nodded enthusiastically. The girl chuckled. "Tell me your plan."

"Well, we'll alternate who goes visit who on weekends." He started, causing (Y/N) to chuckle.

"Stiles, it's an eight-hour-drive." She noted and he shrugged.

"I'll drive eight hours to see you. Won't you?"

(Y/N) tilted her head to the side with a scoff, almost offended by the insinuation.

"Of course I will."

"Good, now... We'll alternate weekends and on the holidays we'll reunite with the pack and the family here at Beacon Hills. Fast forward four years, we'll be graduated and you'll move to Washington with me and as I work for the FBI, you'll start writing for The Washington Post for a while until you finally get the courage to write your own book. Then, when it launches, it'll be a success and you'll receive tons of awards and I'll be so proud of you and I'll ask you to marry me so when we're both 28, we'll get married and then have three kids. Two boys and a girl. And maybe a dog."

"Well..." (Y/N) laughed when Stiles was done talking. "You're optimistic. What about the pack?"

"Scott promised me that as soon as he finishes college, he'll move to D.C. too so he can open his own clinic and we can be neighbors." He said as his girlfriend giggle, not really surprised. Of course they had agreed on that. "Lydia can also move close to us and she can work creating some mathematical theorem for the government or something. How does that sound?"

(Y/N) couldn't countain the smile that spread itself across her face. She reached up and carresed her boyfriend's cheek with eyes filled with nothing but adoration. Stiles cleared his throat, suddenly quite shy and uncomfortable with the tenderness of the moment.

"It's a great plan, Stiles."

"Really?" He asked as his eyes lit up with excitement. "I thought you wouldn't agree."

"I loved the plan, Stiles." (Y/N) assured. "Especially since I'm it, with you. Now, about those kids you talked about..." She whispered, as she leaned her body forward, forcing him to fall back on my mattress.

(Y/N) climbed over his body with a smirk. Stiles gulped as his girfriend's face hovered inches above his.

"We'll have one, yeah? Two tops. I won't get pregnant three times even if I have to stop you from having sex with me forever, are we clear?"

"Yes, ma'am." He nodded instantly causing the girl to laugh.

"I love you, Stiles." She whispered, as she leaned down to press her lips to his again.

"I love you, (Y/N)."

Before they could actually kiss, however, the door of (Y/N)'s bedroom swung open and her younger brother stood outside with a smirk on his face. The girl groaned as she heard him click his tongue in mock disapproval. (Y/N) climbed off of Stiles and rolled her eyes at her little brother. Stiles got up from her bed with a hard blush on his cheeks as (Y/N) stood beside him with her arms crossed.

"What?" She asked, as her brother kept smirking at the couple.

"Dad sent me upstairs to call you and Stiles for dinner." He explained. "He's taking us to that restaurant you love as a 'goodbye gift' or something. Oh, and the Sheriff is coming too."

(Y/N) looked at Stiles and he smiled at her. She turned around to look at herself in the mirror and when she noticed she still looked presentable, she extended a hand toward Stiles.

He stepped forward and laced his fingers through hers before she turned to look at her brother again.

"Okay, kiddo." She nodded at her brother as he smiled at her. "Let's go, then."

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