The bite - Stiles Stilinski (sister!reader) - Part 2

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Summary: During her first full moon, Derek and his pack keep an eye on (Y/N) as Scott and Stiles try to figure out more about what she could be. The revelation, however, comes rather unexpectedly.

Requested: Yes.

"How come she's controlling it so well?" Isaac asked, as he stood beside Derek, frowning when the full moon affected him suddenly, causing rage and adrenaline to curse through his system. "It took me months and I'm not even fully in control."

"She's not an actual werewolf, Isaac." Derek sighed, leaning against a tree, throwing a glance at Erica when the girl roared and tugged at her chains behind him.

"Well, you but her, didn't you?" Isaac insisted. "She's your beta now."

"She should be." The alpha shrugged slightly. "But she's different. You should've seen her eyes."

"And you've never seen anything like it?"


"And what do we do, then?"

"We could start unchaining me from the fricking tree and stop talking about me as if I'm not listening."

At that, both Derek and Isaac turned around and stared at (Y/N). If the full moon wasn't still affecting him so much and Isaac had to put so much energy into not shifting while staying unchained for the first time ever, he would've laughed. As he glanced at Derek, he noticed the annoyed expression of his alpha. When (Y/N) sent him a cynical smile, Derek growled lowly. The girl sure was Stiles' sister.

"We can't unchain you, (Y/N)." The alpha said, as the girl rolled her eyes.

"I'm not even shifting, Derek. I feel fine. I feel human. I'm control!" She protested.

"In control of what?" The werewolf countered. "We don't even know what you are. We don't know what you could do."

"Well, at the moment I can't do anything at all."

"Good." Derek nodded, causing (Y/N) to scoff. "Let's keep it at that, then."

Derek turned around from (Y/N) for a second and walked toward Erica and Boyd, both of whom were also chained to different trees, still not even close to controlling themselves during the full moon. As (Y/N) was about to call out Derek's name to try and annoy him enough so that he would unchain her, she stopped when she saw both Scott and Stiles running toward her. She smiled when Stiles grabbed her face in his hands and examined it carefully, squeezing her cheeks in the process.

"No fangs, no claws... You seem... Human." He said.

"That's what I said!" She nodded. "See, Derek! Stiles agrees with me!"

"As if that would add something to your argument." The alpha mumbled, leaving his betas for a second before walking up to Scott.

"Did you talk to Deaton?" He asked, as Scott nodded.

"He said he did some research, but he couldn't be certain." The beta started to explain. "He said we should wait to see what kind of powers or abilities (Y/N) will show, but until then, we should just keep an eye on her. He said that if she doesn't feel affected by the full moon, she's definitely not a werewolf, though. He also gave us a list of possible creatures that..."

"Could you all stop talking about me as if I'm not here?" (Y/N) suddenly yelled, causing everyone to look at her.

"(Y/N), baby..."

"Shut up, Stiles!" She cut her brother off, turning her face to glare at the three werewolves standing in front of her. "I hate that! I hate that you all stand there, deciding what to do with me as if I'm not even listening! I am you know? And I can make my own damn decisions!"

The more she spoke, the angrier she got. And the angrier she got, the more Scott could see the purple-ish glow beginning behind her (Y/E/C) eyes.

"(Y/N)..." He whispered, but the girl ignored him.

"I don't want to have you decide what happens! I want to have a say! I DESERVE to have a say!"

And as the last sentence left her lips, the purple eyes appeared in full force, but, this time, instead of simply glowing, they brought a few other things.

Scott, Isaac and Derek all felt their eyes widening when the tips of the (Y/N)'s hair started turning green and a purple glow came out of her hands. Stiles was forced to take a step back when the grass around his little sister's feet grew and climbed up around her body, tugging at the chains around her chest with enough force to break them. As soon as the chains fell to the floor, so did (Y/N).

Stiles was quick to fall down on his knees beside his sister, placing a hand on her back as she tried to catch her breath. Digging her nails on the grass, she suddenly felt a wave of relief wash over her. With a deep breath, she lifted her head up, her natural eyes staring right at Scott.

"Please tell me there's something in that list that tells me what I am." She said.

Exchanging a look with Stiles, Scott nodded his head, glancing at Derek for a second before crouching down in front of the girl, Scott helped her up. As soon as (Y/N) was in her feet, she stared at him and waited for him to speak up. And so he did.

"It was Deaton's first guess, actually." Scott said, giving his best friend's little sister a small smile. "We think you are a Nymph."

"A Nymph?" (Y/N) asked, turning to face Stiles. He brother nodded.

"Did you see how you controlled the plants?" He asked, almost giddy. "It was awesome! My baby sister is a Nymph!"

At that, (Y/N) and Scott chuckled. The girl looked at her brother's best friend and he gave her a small nod.

"Why was it his first guess?" (Y/N) frowned. "I mean... Why a Nymph?"

"Deaton says it is quite a common creature. Just... Not around here, I guess."

"Then why me?"

"You were not a common human to begin with, (Y/N). You're special." Scott gave a soft smile, which she returned.

"Thank you, Scott." She whispered, as the boy pulled her in for a hug.

"No problem." He said. "And welcome to the supernatural world, (Y/N)."

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